First Look

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Sorry for the wait,
I'm just trying to perfect everything,
Hopefully I did a good job,
Because I really hope you all enjoy!
This is just the first look to Daddy's Girl!
Chapter 1 will be next!


Adam's P.O.V.
"It's obvious," she slowly turns to face me.

"What's obvious Mr. Cole?"

Smiling at her accent, "you've never experimented."

Her cheeks redden even more, "experimented?"

Removing myself from behind the counter.

"With toys, have you ever?"

She looks away, "don't be shy, this is a safe place.

I don't judge what people buy in here."

She nods, "I've never used a toy, never really wanted to."

Nodding at her answer, "start with a vibrator.

It's the easiest & one of the best toys out there."

Reaching for the most popular vibrator in my store.

"Why do you work at a sex store?"

She suddenly asked as I lead her to the counter.

"Well it's my store, I'm the CEO of this company."

Her eyes widen, "your fetish is making sex toys?"

She asked as I package her toy, "no darling.

My fetish isn't making sex toys.

Maybe your the one with the fetish, babygirl?"

Watching her eyes roll, "don't roll your eyes."

I warn her while walking around the counter.

"Or what Mr. Cole, you gonna spank me?"

Handing her the bag, "something like that."

Her eyes widen, "get going, it's getting late."

She just nods before heading towards the door.

"Oh and when your in this store.

It's Daddy Cole to you."

Again her cheeks redden, "are you serious?"

Nodding as I fix an upside down box.

"Fine, have a good day, Daddy."

I really hope you all enjoyed the first look of Daddy's Girl! Chapter 1 should be up in a few days. Thank you for a little over 50 reads! That may not seem like a lot, but to me, that's a lot & I'm thankful for those 53 reads, maybe we can get to 150 before chapter 1?

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