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Here comes chapter 2!
Thank you for the love on chapter 1!
Keep it coming!
We are so close to 100 reads, I can't believe it! 💜

Adam's P.O.V.
"He had the audacity," I shout as I close the pitch black curtains, "I swear everyone heard that gunshot!"

I mean I'm not afraid of anyone, but I'm always careful when I kill someone, "so why are you shouting?

He's dead isn't he," Roderick asked while counting several pills, "yeah of course, I don't miss & he ran!"

I reply before grabbing my iPhone 11, "I love stealing pills from old people!"

Roderick comments while closing the small bottle, "what did you just package," I ask while grabbing the bottle.

"Thirty Xanax pills," Roderick answer while clicking a few numbers into his calculator.

"We can sell it for 230$," Roderick suggested while standing up, "no; sell the whole bottle for 300$."

They can call me pricey, but I don't give a damn, I work had to get these pills, I thought while leaving.

"Grab me a beer," Roderick demands as I meet the bottom step, rolling my eyes; I ain't getting him shit.

I thought while entering the kitchen, seeing the grey & white marble floors & dark counters.

"Do we sell Ecstasy," turning around to see Bobby, "not anymore why," I ask while grabbing two beers.

"Well now we do," he responds before tossing a large bag onto the island, "where & why?"

Bobby shrugs, "dickhead pissed me off, so I stole his stash, I asked for a good fuck, not a quickie!"

Rolling my eyes while grabbing the bag, "I don't want to hear about your sex life."

I remind him while racing back upstairs with the bag of ecstasy & the two beers.

"Who's here," I hear Roderick ask as I hand him a beer, "it's just Bobby," I reply before taking a sip.

"You know he won't stop talking about his lousy fucks," nodding while turning my MacBook on.

"He wants a good fuck not a quickie, I don't blame him, I thought while getting out of porn sites.

"Speaking of fucking, how's this babygirl search going," Roderick asked as I check my emails.

"Kind of talking with some chick, she messaged me the other day and gave me an all lowercase hi."

Roderick cackles, "she's probably ugly & just begging for attention, or she knows about your company?"

Rolling my eyes while looking for her Instagram account, once I found her I smile.

She's beautiful & she doesn't look fake, I thought while going through more photos.

"Hey that's the chick I banged," turning to see David, "when the fuck did you get here!"

I shout while turning my phone off, "been here just waiting to get my voice into the convo, but I fucked that chick!"

Lovely, "wait which chick the blonde or brunette," I ask while unlocking my phone once more.

"The brunette, her best friend is way too sweet, but way too shy, she seems to be some sort of tomboy?"

Not all littles have to be heels & makeup, a tomboy I thought while looking down at my phone.

Seeing her name was Ava, smiling I decided to send her another message, "where you located babygirl?"

Maybe she'll tell me, maybe she won't, I thought while setting my phone down & replacing it with my beer.

"I can't tell you that mister," she responds causing me to chuckle, "feisty I like it," I type back.

"I'm not feisty Mr. Cole, you're a total stranger, good girls don't talk to strangers."

Smiling at the text, "we'll let's not be strangers," I text back before exiting Instagram.

"So why did you kill five guys boy," looking up to see Roderick, "because he owed me."

Dumb excuse but it was true, that stupid ass owed me over 300,000$ dollars, and he never payed.

So I took something more important, his life I thought before taking the last sip of my beer.

Ava's P.O.V.
"I'm talking to a boy," I whisper to GlitterPaw's, well he's not a boy, he's a man.

"What are you all giggly about," looking over to see Dakota, a bruise was forming on her lip.

"Still can't believe he punched you," I whisper while setting GlitterPaw's aside.

"Oh well, I kicked him in the balls, so we're even," Dakota spoke before grabbing her charger.

"Answer my question, why are you all giggly," she questions me again, "because of a boy."

I whisper before hiding my phone underneath my pillow, "you are 22 years old, don't say boy, say man!"

Sighing before pulling my socks up, "his name is Adam," I whisper before leaving the bedroom.

"Wait what's his last name," Dakota asked as I enter the tiny kitchen. "I don't know, I think it's Cole?"

I really couldn't remember, I thought while reaching for my phone, looking back at Dakota, her eyes widen.

"You can't be serious," she questions before walking out of the room, "what do you mean?"

I ask as I look for his name, after finally finding it; I call for Dakota, "yeah his name is Adam Cole!"

I shout before turning my phone off, "you're chatting with a criminal, who owns a toy store!"

"That isn't possible," I comment as she hands me a most wanted fugitives booklet.

"This is probably fake," I whisper as I go through the book, but it wasn't fake; I thought as I find his name.

"Adam Cole, 31 years old & wanted for serial murder, drug distribution & arson."

I read aloud, "this isn't real," closing the book I then toss it aside, "just be careful."

Dakota warns me before turning out my bedroom light, "GlitterPaw's can't protect you from Adam Cole."

GlitterPaw's is my Superman, no serial killer can hurt me when I have my bunny.


Well that was chapter 2, I still can't believe we hit 100 reads, and it's not even Christmas yet! Can we get to 500 reads by January 1st? Let me know what you think about this story?

Who likes Adam?
Who likes Ava?
What will happen in chapter 3?

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