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Here we go!
Please give this a chance!
I'm super excited to share Daddy's Girl with everyone!


Ava's P.O.V.
I can't believe your cheating on Mark," I whisper as I check out the perfumes, "well Mark doesn't make me happy."

Dakota explains as I take in the smell of Dior, "where is the one with the daises," I ask as I peer over the shelf.

There it is, I thought excitedly as I make a bee line towards the perfume, I was always told this would smell amazing!

Giving a quick spray, I then walk through the small mist & smile, "there goes the last of my money."

I whisper before reaching for a box of the same perfume, this is gonna clear my bank account!

My mind sings as I head towards the checkout line, maybe it would be cheaper if I didn't buy it at a mall?

"Let's go get five guys," Dakota suggested as I go through my notifications, checking on my recent post.

Seeing nobody has commented or liked my picture, frowning I then delete the picture.

"I don't have money, I just spent it all on this perfume," I remind Dakota as she parks.

"Who says we're paying," she questions while showing a green card, "dipshit forgot his card."

Covering my mouth in shock, "you can't do that, it's illegal" I warn Dakota as she kills the ignition.

"Well he left it in my car, so that makes it my property, if he's a smart man, he would of already canceled it."

Brushing my hair away as I watch Dakota spend forty dollars, using her exes card.

"Are you sure you aren't hungry," Dakota asked while heading towards a table.

Yeah I'm hungry but I'm not gonna eat stolen food, this may not be such a big deal, but I'm a good girl.

I thought as I sit across from Dakota, "so how's the daddy search going," Dakota suddenly questions.

"Not getting replies, or likes" I respond as I open up my Instagram, "you'll get one."

Dakota whispers before shoving fries down her throat, "I'm not saying I want the perfect daddy.

I just want a daddy who's real & will treat me with respect & love me for me."

I know that is a super cheesy thing to think & say, "why do you have to be so cheesy?"

Dakota questions just as her phone rings, "hold that answer, Mark is calling."

Her eyes roll as she clicks answer, "what the fuck do you want," she questions him.

"You're using my damn card," I hear Mark shout through the phone, "we'll you left it in my car, so haha!"

He mutters a few things in Russian, "can you stop making him angry, I know he didn't make you happy, but still."

Watching Dakota's eyes roll, she then clicks end call before setting her phone down.

"Luckily I don't live in the same apartment anymore, so it's not like he can come over or anything." 

Sighing just as someone walks into five guys, "Ahh Mr. Cole," someone from behind the counter shouts.

"We've been expecting you," I overhear a burger flipper, as I slip my phone into my small Walmart purse.

"Meet me out back," I hear the long hair man demand before walking out of the store, "damn fool."

Gulping as I rise from my seat, "can we please go," I beg Dakota as I push my chair in.

Just as Dakota & I leave five guys we hear a loud pop coming from being five guys.

"It was probably hot grease just popping," Dakota guesses as she unlocks her Tesla, "or a gunshot."

I whisper as I quickly close the passenger door, "it couldn't have been a gunshot."

Dakota explains as we leave the parking lot, "it would of been much louder!"

Not if it was muffled or someone used a silencer, why do I know so much about guns?

I just want to go curl up in my bed, snuggle with my giant plushie who's name is GlitterPaw's.

Gosh now I can't stop thinking about that loud popping noise, I thought while pulling my plushie closer.

"Stop worrying, besides we have nothing to worry about, even if it were a gunshot."

Dakota explains as she curls her long brown hair, "where are you going," I ask before taking a deep breath.

"I'm meeting up with Mark," my eyes widen at her answer, "I thought you hated Mark, why are you meeting him?"

Dakota smiles, "don't worry, he begged me to meet up with him, I'm just giving back his card."

Dakota again explains, "if you don't come home with an hour, I'll call the cops."

Dakota sighs, "trust me, I'll be back within an hour, besides Mark is clumsy & stupid, he'll hurt himself."

Rolling my eyes I then climb out of bed, to calm my nerves I guess I'm lighting a candle.

What candle you ask, the Cranberry Chutney candle from Yankee Candle, because it smells heavenly!

"Damn I hate that candle," Dakota comments in disgust, "alright well I'm gone; see you later!"

Dakota shouts before leaving my bedroom, if your wondering why Dakota is always here.

Both Dakota & I share the same apartment, she has her own room, we split rent & other bill.

We wouldn't live together, if I didn't grow up in a abusive household, we'd be best friends forever though.

My parents treated me like crap all my life, just because I wasn't a boy, hell they begged me for a sex change!

They wanted that all star son, great academics, great at sports & shit, I was great at sports & my academics!

But no they wanted the opposite gender, I thought as I go through my Instagram once more.

Seeing I had several random likes, barely smiling I checked on the profile, seeing it looked like a business man.

Mr. Adam Cole, hmm why does that seem so familiar, I ask myself while checking out his recent post.

I'm lonely, need a doll to care for, it read & all it showed in the photo was an empty chair.

With the word princess engraved on the back, he's a dom I ask myself, if I was a dog, my tail would be wagging!

Biting my lip on wether or not to send him a message, nah I can't, I don't want to come off as creepy.

Fuck it, I thought before sending him a tiny all lowercase hi, he seems super busy, he may never respond.

But just as I set my phone down, it buzzes, smiling I then slowly glance at the lit screen.

But it didn't show a message, biting my lip in confusion I then unlock my phone, instantly seeing two words.

Hello babygirl.


Well that was chapter 1!
Eek I'm so excited! I really hope you enjoy this!
I think chapter 1 came out great!
Please give feedback & I'll see you in chapter 2!

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