What A Nutcase

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Rachel: *at the park* Such a beautiful day!

Man: Hey, niece! How ya been?

Rachel: Huh? *raised eyebrows*

Man: *hugs Rachel* You been good? This is your Uncle Harry!

Rachel: Dude, what the heck?!

Man: How's everyone doing?

Rachel: I hardly know you! You're not my uncle!

Man: Sure, I am! We went to the family reunion in Idaho!

Rachel: No, we didn't!

Man: You're such a kidder! Uncle Harry loves you, niece! *hugging Rachel again*

Rachel: Stop it! I am not your niece!

Man: Yes, you are!

Mental Institution Men: There you are! Why did you leave? We got you! *grabs the man* We apologize, Ma'am! This man is totally out of his mind!

Man: Wait, I wasn't done talking to my niece! Wait! *being taken back to the mental institution*

Rachel: What a creep!

This story was written on Saturday, December 12th, 2020.

A/N That man is totally not right in the head! Rachel doesn't even know him! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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