The Monster Society of Evil

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"Dare I even ask what you're doing?" Superman put a cup of coffee in Batman's outstretched hand before pulling up a chair.

"Research," Batman said cryptically as he took a drink without even looking away from the computer screen.

"I suppose it's too much to ask that you're getting a head start on picking out colleges for Robin?" Superman asked hopefully, although he had a feeling that he already knew the answer.

"Bludhaven Police Academy," Batman said automatically. "We talked about it the other night. But to answer your question I've been doing research on Captain Marvel."

"Really?" Superman groaned. "Why can't you just accept that all he wants to do is help? It's not a rule that we have to reveal our secret identities," he pointed out.

"Alfred said the same thing," Batman sighed. "He also thinks that I'm mad he's been able to keep it a secret and so my pride is wounded. Utter nonsense of course."

"Why don't you listen to him?" Superman asked. "Seriously-why don't you? Sometimes I think he's the World's Greatest Detective and not you."

"Second Greatest Detective," Batman reminded him. "You can't forget the chimp."

"Unfortunately no I can't." Detective Chimp (while he was undeniably brilliant) was a bit of an embarrassment to the superhero community much like the Metal Men, Plastic Man and Booster Gold. True, they usually achieved their goals but in a humiliating style.

Batman was about to give a sarcastic response when the TV came to life, broadcasting the details of a fight currently going on in downtown Fawcett City between Captain Marvel and the Monster Society of Evil (at least that's what they called themselves).

"Should we go help him?" Superman winced as Captain Marvel was thrown into a building, the resulting shockwave shattering what was left of the windows as cracks quickly formed in the structure.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea," Batman agreed. As a general rule he tried not to interfere in other cities unless he knew the local heroes wouldn't mind. In return they paid him the same courtesy and stayed far away from Gotham. However, having now met and worked with Captain Marvel he had no doubt the other hero would gladly accept their help.

By the time they arrived in Fawcett City Captain Marvel had already taken down Captain Nazi (a German super soldier that aged slowly) and Ibac (a human that had sold his soul to Lucifer in exchange for superhuman strength and durability), leaving Nyola-a magic wielding, weather controlling Aztec priestess- and the Hydra-one of Mister Mind's diabolical Creations with multiple heads that quickly regenerated. There was no sign of Mister Mind but Batman had no doubt that the evil genius was lurking somewhere nearby. Masterminds always loved to watch their plans in action after all.

The hydra went after Captain Marvel again but Superman intercepted it, using his heat vision to cut one of the heads off. To his dismay the head great back almost instantly while one of the others tried to bite Captain Marvel. He got out of the way in the nick of time, allowing one of Nyola's lightning bolts to strike it instead. The beast howled with rage and turned its attention to Nyola.

"Do not look at me, creature," she hissed. "Focus your attention on Captain Marvel instead-he is the enemy, not me."

The hydra snarled but turned back to the heroes. Acid dripped from one of the mouths, sizzling as it hit the ground.

"How do we stop them?" Superman called. Normally he would just use his heat vision and fists until the threat was neutralized but this was obviously a magical problem and his specialty.

"Just keep him occupied while I deal with Nyola," Captain Marvel called. "When I give the signal get away from him."

"Got it," Batman eyed the beast skeptically then began pulling out several batarangs and miniature explosives. "My life is certainly never dull anymore," he sighed.

As Captain Marvel and Nyola battled overhead Batman focused his efforts on the hydra's feet, distracting it so that Superman stood a better chance of evading its sharp teeth and acid. The hydra was clearly torn between defending its head or feet, its attacks growing more and more sporadic.

Hail was beginning to fall at an alarming rate and Batman risked a quick glance upwards to see Nyola summon tornado like winds as Captain Marvel threw what appeared to be literal bolts of lightning at her.

"We could use a little help down here," Superman called. Despite all their attempts he had still been bitten a few times and blood was beginning to stain his costume.

"Coming," Captain Marvel called and dove down towards them.

"You dare ignore me?!" Nyola shrieked. "You would ignore me, a priestess, for a monstrous beast such as that?!"

"Yeah," Captain Marvel replied after a momentary pause.

"Insolent wretch!" Less than a second later a fully formed tornado engulfed the hydra, lifting it into the air. D "You would dare take their attention away from me? Die foul creature!"

The next few seconds were filled with the hydra's cries as it was tossed around then a terribly loud crash as it finally landed. Debris flew everywhere and it was only through the heroes' quick actions that no one was harmed although there were very few bystanders as citizens of Fawcett City obviously had more common sense than most people and decided to vacate the area when the fight had started. Even the reporters had moved a block away and were filming from there.

"Oh no," Superman groaned when the dust had settled.

There was no sign of Nyola but the hydra was clearly down for the count. Unfortunately he had landed on top of the zeta-tube, completely crushing it.

Batman signed. "I suppose you can fly me to another zeta-tube after we clean up."

"No need to worry about that," Captain Marvel patted him on the shoulder. "Fawcett City's got its very own magical research team that'll take care of the hydra and Ibac and the police have already taken Captain Nazi into custody. Not to mention we have a great cleanup crew that has equipment for cleaning up after monsters. Besides," he looked up, "it's fixing to start raining."

Right on cue the rain began to fall and Batman gritted his teeth even as the remaining civilians began to leave, only the police officials staying.

"Joy." Superman was not looking forward to flying around in the rain while he carried Batman who detested having to depend on others to get around.

"Um," Captain Marvel bit his bottom lip then hesitantly offered, "My place isn't far from here if you guys want to crash until the storm is over with."

"Are you sure?" Superman was a little startled. After all, Captain Marvel was just as secretive as Batman and, while he did let things slip, it was basic information-stuff that couldn't be used to find him.

"Yeah," Captain Marvel's tone was far more decisive. "I mean, you guys came down all this way to help me out-it'd be pretty rude of me to leave you out here in this weather."

"We'll be glad to take you up on that," Batman replied.

"Come on then," Captain Marvel waved his hand. "It's not even a block away."

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