Chapter 1

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P.S if you have read the last chapter of "If I was" then you probably have already read this but, for those who haven't

Frankie's POV

Whispers, that's all I could hear around school. I thought everyone was talking about me, but turns out there's a new kid. I don't know his name, but I think he's in my grade (12). I'am so lost in my thoughts, I bang into Cody, the school "badboy" who has been bullying me since grade 4.
I try to make the least amount of eye contact, but that plan went a bit better in my mind
Cody:Look at me!
Before I could look up, I felt my books and bag smash to the floor, I look around, everyone was laughing.
Cody: Are you gonna pick that up or should I just take your lunch money?! I mean why would someone like you eat, I think I should get the food.
I rush to pick up my books, the bell rings.

Cody and his "gang" walk back to class, the halls are empty, it's just me and what looks like a boy walking towards me. I can't see his face because of the lighting and his sun glasses. The boy does something I would never expect, helps me?
He nods and hands me the stack of books, I look down at my books, then back to him, except, he's gone.
I start to walk to my class, but then I get called down to the office. I walk in the office to see Mrs.odom and the boy from seconds ago.
Mrs odom:Frankie, so glad you came!
I give her a shy smile. It starts to get really awkward, I feel like there both just staring at me
Frankie:So.. Erm, why am I here?
Mrs. Odom: Oh, yes! We have a new student, Mr. Rance as you know. I was wondering if you could give him a tour around here
Mrs. Odom: I forgot, could you also tutor him a bit, since your one of our best students here at Elizabeth Senior High
Frankie:Okay... I guess you could come over after school?
Mrs. Odom: Oh, that would be a great idea! Frankie, you have a car, can you drive him!
I exit the office and start giving this kid a tour. Not a word is spoken from him, no "Hi" or anything. The bell soon rings, hundreds of kids start to fill up the hallways. I say goodbye to the boy and head to my next class. I never even got his name.

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