Chapter 2

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Sakura was skipping to school that day. Some dreaded when she did so, some were excited. But all knew what it meant. Sakura was ready. She had a plan to get a couple together and could use it any minute now. 'Hi, Cupid! Who is it today?' She heard a voice come from behind. Her face went a little pink in the cheeks. 'Ah, well that's a secret. As always, Yuga. Hey, have you ever had a crush?'


'You totally have a crush don't you?'


'It's kinda obvious.'

'Who is it then?'

Sakura went closer to him, a little pinker now. 'It's totally Deku, isn't it.' He went red. 'Ahhh, it's ok, I won't tell anybody.' No need to anyway, you'll be with him soon.

'Well what about you? Do you have a crush? I feel like I know who.'

'Indeed, I do. You wouldn't know her though.' Sakura would never tell him now, not if he could have a better relationship with his crush. In her head, it wasn't entirely a lie, she did have a female crush. That was years ago, though. And she rejected her. That was why she was always trying to get people together. She didn't want others feeling that pain.

That day in school, nobody dared approach her. Everyone knew that she should be in her zone, or things could go terribly wrong, whether they wanted a new couple or not. It did result in her work being a little confusing or completely ignored, though the teachers were a little used to it by now. By the end of the day, Sakura was on the brink of figuring it out. She stayed up till 4:00 when she finally figured it out. She yelled at the top of her lungs, completely forgetting the time and place, waking everyone near her in the process.

That day, she came into school with dark circles under her eyes. She was so filled with endorphins that she didn't even care. That day she bolted out the door, nearly losing her balance. She had the best plan yet; she believed if she was giving away her crush, she may as well make it perfect. When she had told her childhood friends about it, they asked why she hadn't asked him out already, with which she replied that she couldn't see her and Aoyama together well, and the chemistry was all wrong. 'Besides,' she said, a wistful look on her face, 'I'm pretty sure he's gay anyway.'

'Hold your horses there, Cupid! Who is it today?' asked Uraraka. She was one of the people who couldn't ever tell what was going on with Sakura, but liked to stick around either way. For months on end now, she had been hoping for Sakura to get her and her crush together. Sakura felt sad for her, but it was too late now. She had already began. 'Ahh, it's my most flawless plan yet, Ochako. Just you wait and see.'

The world seemed to go silent for a second. All that could be heard were the sound of Sakura's feet pacing through the city.

'Say, Cupid... is it-'


'Ah, I see. Well um... I might... just... have... a crush...'

'Oh, Ochako... I know you do. May I whisper who it is in your ear?

It's Deku, isn't it,' she said. Uraraka went bright red.

The trouble with knowing who has a crush on who and who would be perfect with who is that I worry i will someday lose a friend to this. Oh, poor Ochako. But hopefully, I hope she will find love someday. Even if it is a short relationship. Even if it ruins the bond. Maybe, in the small chance this plan does fail, she and Deku could get together. That's it! My plan is well and truly flawless! If it fails, I can get Ochako and Deku together, and maybe, just maybe...

I could be with Yuga!

Oh Yuga... if only you knew...

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