Knights of White Camelia

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The KKK was not the only racist secret society of the time. 

Knights of White Camelia were another Terrorist Group. Mainly against black people voting. 

The KKK just happened to be stronger, practically swallowing every other Racial Terrorism Group in the nation. 

The KKK rode in the night on horses clad in white. Wearing robes of white. Riding through black populated streets, setting fires, raiding, and generally causing terror till morning. 

The KKK Acts, also known as the Enforcement Acts, are three bills to help fight against the KKK societies. They were criminal codes that protected African-Americans' right to vote, to hold office, to serve on juries, and receive equal protection of laws.

Possible things to write about:

- KKK riding and raiding the street. from the KKK POV or one family on the street. And it changes the POV if it is an afraid black family, an afraid white family, a determined black family, a disappointed white family. You can go many directions with this. 

- A smaller terrorist society complaining about not being recognized and being taken over by the KKK. Maybe this society wasn't as violent....

- The government running in trying to not panic and help out. Stop the mass terror. 

-  The KKK responding to the KKK Acts. 

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