Chapter 1: Before The Shift

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After a long day at the hospital, Jo finally returns home. She is exhausted with the amount of codes she had to run today, due to Covid-19. Alex is already fast asleep in bed.

"Hey, Alex! I'm home!" Jo says. "You will not believe how many of my patients died today. I am sick of the pandemic and I am so ready for it to be over with!"

She receives no response from Alex. Alex also had a hard day running the PEDS Ward. 5 of his premature babies had died, along with one of their mother's. Jo gives Alex a nudge and he finally wakes up.

"What do you want?" Alex says. "I had a hard day and I'm trying to sleep it off. 5 of my babies died today and that has not happened ever!"

Alex sits up and finds Jo standing their with nothing on. His eyes light up with joy as his sexy wife gets closer and closer to him.

"I don't think I'm that tired anymore! Come here, sexy!"

Alex grabs Jo and takes her over to the couch. He begins to take off his clothes one by one, while still making out with Jo. His lips go down her body, starting with her neck, and landing on her vagina. Jo's moans get louder and louder to the point where Alex has to cover her mouth.

"Oh, Alex!" Jo moans. "I didn't know you could do all this stuff!"
"I'm a surgeon, babe." Alex says. "This is my best technique!"

After hours and hours of fun between Jo and Alex, Alex's alarm clock goes off.

"Oh my god, Alex!" Jo says. "We've been having too much fun that we are going to be late for work!"

Jo gets up, grabs her clothes, and runs to the shower. Alex trails along behind her, hoping to join.

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