Chapter 2: The Shower

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Jo runs into the bathroom and starts the shower. Alex swings open the bathroom door with 2 bathroom towels.

"Cant forget these, can we?" Alex says. "Now let's take a shower!"

How could Jo say no to Alex's sexy body? She was hoping to have more fun before her miserable day of work started.

"We can't stay in too long, Alex!" Jo says. "We have to be at work by 7:30."

Alex doesn't care what she has to say and immediately grabs the body wash. He begins to rub it all over Jo while she washes Alex's hair.

"You've got to get my hair too!" Jo says. "I'll look like an idiot!"

"I'll get your hair, Jo." Alex says. "I'm more focused on your hot body right now!"

Jo rolls her eyes jokingly at Alex and finishes washing him up. She turns off the water and grabs her towel. Of course Alex had to be the one to wrap her up!

"Let's get changed, Alex!" Jo says. "Meredith will lose it if I'm late again!"

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