Chapter Two: Masquerade

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Not having anything to do but write and complain on your personal blog the rest of the days went by so slow. You were keeping yourself busy by looking up this masquerade ball thing and came across the founders names. Apparently the ball was only founded three or four years ago.

It was also know as the Winchesters Cabin, you tried to ignore how shady that sounded. Brushing some hair behind your ear you delved deeper into the name. Was it named after a couple of Daddy's?

You typed 'Winchester' into the search bar and nothing but news articles and interviews came up. The first link had a title that wrote "How'd they do it?!" It immediately drew you in with the lingering thought on 'What did they do?'. You seemed to spend hours on hours reading about what you've now learned was two brothers. You still hadn't found out what they looked like let alone get their first names.

You sighed the whole thing stunk, and if these men weren't any good how would the rest of the men be like at The Winchesters Cabin?

Apparently no one knew where these brothers had gotten their money but it seemed every one of their acquaintances defended them with a genuine fear of them at the same time. You learned this from a few youtube interviews. But it really was just rabbit holes filled with conspiracies.

A light knock came from your bedroom door and you quickly shut your laptop. The reaction made his eyebrows peak and suspicion crawl across his features. "What were you doing there?" He nodded towards the laptop on your sheets. You didn't really want to tell Carmen that you were reading up on the Winchesters. You had a feeling he wouldn't react well to it, especially since you were more eager to go now more than ever.

You needed to find these brothers, ask them about their lives. You were a journalist after all, and if you could get a one on one interview with these guys name next to your own, you'd have jump started your career. It would be perfect. Your heart did a little flip at your greedy thoughts. "Earth to Y/n." Carmen chuckles, "Did you need time to wrap up? Maybe finish?" He did a motion with his pointer finger and his middle, teasing you. You blushed, just glad he though you were watching some porn.

There's no doubt Carmen would try and talk you out of tricking the Winchesters into an interview. Or at least that's what you had planned on doing, I'm sure they wouldn't agree to just any old interview. You threw a pillow at your best friend and stood up to walk him away from your room. "Oh shut up," You paused pushing his chest and closing the door behind the two of you. "Where did you come from all of a sudden?"

He hadn't said anything for a minute, walking to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. "I was with D, he dropped me off early because tomorrow is the big day and I have to get you ready." He pointed an accusing finger at you with a piece of toast in his mouth. "Because," he trailed. "I know you and you won't get properly ready on your own."

He then started ranting off lists and procedures of shaving or getting waxed. To be honest you'd stopped listening when he mentioned a full body brazilian wax which was early on in his speech just to let you know. With your mind traveling back to the Winchesters you wondered if they'd be there tomorrow. You'd just have to wait, what else could you do?

You were woken up by your glossy eyed roommate, you could tell he had been up for most of the night. You had gotten lost in your research having not slept as much as you needed to either. "Why are you still asleep at two in the afternoon?" He asked it skeptically his expression demanding.

You rolled your tired eyes and sat up. "Too excited to sleep?" He shook his head with a chuckle, "Well get up I made you lunch and we need to start getting ready." The whole ritual of picking out panties and bras, or how you'd do your hair was even more exhausting than reading articles that had zero valuable information. Which you had ran into alot last night.

Finally Carmen had left you to get himself ready and you had time to think as your body was doused in soothing soap bubbles. The water showering on you like a soft massage, you needed something rougher. You sighed at that thought running your hands along the skins of your sides down to your hips. Carmen was right you really needed to get laid. 

You hoped these Winchester men were hot, or even at the masquerade. If not you'd at least come home with a few numbers and possible arrangements.

The three of you arrive at the venue and you're immediately overwhelmed. Hanging on tightly to your best friends sugar daddy. Dimitri's arms most likely pulsing from the vice like grip you held on him. He let you stay there for a moment before politely shaking you loose. "Don't forget why you're here cupcake, and don't forget confidence is key." He nodded encouragingly.

A few seconds later you spot a man waving over to Dimitri, his face brightens and he coaxed the man over with a smile. He asks you and Carmen to go get some punch when the guy makes it over. A gentle expression on his features. As the two of you make your way over to the drinks he shifts his eyes across the crowd.

"They better be here" He complained, absently downing a few small glasses of the punch, you made a mental note not to drink too much of it. Your thought only proved to be correct as the familiar taste of alcohol relaxed your muscles. You nursed your drink, intending to follow Carmen back to your group but a couple of men caught your eye.

They were tall and muscular, jaws were strong and they looked to be having an intense conversation. Though the only thing you managed to carry with you as Carmen had came back over to pull your arm, was that they were wearing masks.

Soon Dimitri comes back into focus and starts introducing the man he was speaking too, he's a business owner. You notice he's not wearing a mask and silently wonder who was there with him.

The guy leaves maybe thirty minutes later and you breath in relief, you couldn't handle his voice any longer. Though the three of you alone were only alone for a moment, but Dimitri seems to be quite popular. A chills falls over your spine just as the new man begins to speak.  He rambles on and on and at one point you have to turn away.

You can feel eyes on you from across the venue anyways, using that as an excuse to turn around and look. You didn't catch any eyes and you furrowed your brow. You couldn't shake the feeling so much so you accidently ignore a potential sugar daddy. Dimitri clears his throat and you jolt, apologizing to everyone.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" The male chuckles. "I'm Andrew, but you can call me Andy." You nod with a smile and the two of you spark a very dull conversation, eventually you had to hide a yawn. Andrew smirks a little and sighs, "Would you like me to go grab you another drink?" He points to your now empty cup and your eyes widen, perfect opportunity to slip away. You nod happily and hand him your cup.

Although you don't quite like the man you could tell he had a bit of money. You watch him as he scoops a generous amount of punch into your cup, but then he holds the drink out of sight from you. You stomach churns a little.

Before he can make his way back to you, a man stops Andy at the bar and you take the moment to run fast, though just as you're about to turn your hands find their way to a chest. Hard a chiseled even under a thick shirt. Finally you look up being greeted with a dangerous and familiar smirk. "We've got to stop meeting like this."

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