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There was a loud buzz in the air as a crowd of onlookers gathered earnestly watching the two people in the middle. One was a boy, who's height towered amongst most of the crowd as his gaze locked on the girl in front of him. A black bag loosely slung on one shoulder, his hand on his pockets. He had soft, handsome features and judging by the whispers floating around the people witnessing this event, he was quite popular.

His name is Rui.

The girl on the other hand, was nervously hiding her face behind her hair as she anxiously watched the crowd of spectators staring at them, eagerly whispering between themselves, and some with their phones out. She tightened her grip on the straps of her bag. She was less-well known than the boy in front of her, a faceless person in a sea of people. Except for now.

Her name is Mei

"W-what're you doing?" She stuttered, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, her shoulders hunched as she tried to make herself smaller, as if that would make her invisible. Being the center of attention made her tense, but most especially the guy was standing in front of her, his gaze piercing through her soul. She felt butterflies in her stomach as his eyes never left her face.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He asked, as he took a step forward and she took a step back. The crowd gasped. Some of them wanted to vomit from eating dog food. What kind of dog blood drama is this?! More importantly, what happens next?! Her bag was almost hitting the wall. Everyone was watching in suspense as they waited for their next move, their eyes flitting back and forth between the two. Some of the girls were swooning at Rui. If looks could kill, they'd be dead by now. If only he would look their way...

"I-I... I don't get what you mean," she stated as she tried to walk away. Before she could even take a step, her arm was pulled and she was pushed into the wall as he slammed his hand beside her head. Their gazes locked on each other, as if they were the only two people at that moment. The crowd erupted in shouts and screams of excitement, as everyone went crazy.

I-is this the infamous kabedon?!

"What does seem like I'm doing?" He said, his voice rising over the noise of the crowd. Everyone immediately quieted down, as they waited to hear his next words.

"I'm asking you to be my girlfriend!"

Everyone went wild. Pictures and videos were being taken as everyone chattered excitedly amongst themselves on this development. This was public confession! The school's prince had confessed! And to this no-name, ordinary girl no less! Cheers and hoots of congratulations and dejection rang across the whole place.

This was something that they would never forget. A topic that would be always brought up in every school reunion they would have in the future, something they would look back at and laugh as they thought about those last moments in their last day at school.

Mei on the other hand, was blushing, her face as red as a tomato. His chest was at close proximity to her face, and she was still trapped by him. Confessing to her so suddenly, she placed both her hands on her chest, as she felt her heartbeat quicken.

"Y-you could've just t-told me privately..."

"Is that a yes?" Rui cocked his head as he bent down and inched his face closer to hers. Some of the girls squealed.

"....." A nod.

The crowd burst into an uproar. We have new couple everyone! She just accepted his confession!

Rui grinned, turning a deaf ear to the loud noises of everyone surrounding them as he took Mei's hand and ran, past students who had witnessed and were cheering at the new couple, as they went off to start their new love.

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