Chapter 10

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As the group broke there hug a teacher came up to the group. "Are you two the parents of these.....freaks." Jade froze and looked up at the women and she stood from the ground. "What did you call them?" "Nothing, well you see mis-." "TELL ME WHAT TOU CALLED MY KIDS!". The teacher froze and Kitana softly pulled Jade back to her wail getting the kids back to her. "Oh- princess I-I didn't know you where here!" The teacher bowed to Kitana and apologized again and again. "Stand." Kitana said and the teacher stood, "What were you going to say about them". The teacher cleared her throat, "well all of them are doing well in there classes grade wise. But there attitude towards some of the other students is concerning. They will fight another group of students daily and their excuse is that the other kids called them names". Jade looked at the kids and giggled, "So your saying that you lack basic human logic that if someone is getting called names they react. But for you that means just sitting around wail they half to listen to the other students make fun of them". Kitana let out a slight laugh and so did the kids. "Leave." Jade said as she watched the teacher walk back to the school very fast.

About 20 minutes later

Kitana and Jade were at the store and saying there goodbyes to the kids. As Jade was talking with the man a kid came up to Kitana. "Hello little one, what's your name?" "Grayson, (The kid with blue skin and red hair) and I have a request.". Kitana looked at him and smiled "yes?". "Ok, well can you take care of Miss J, she is like a mama to us and we don't want to see her hurt. It's not like you would hurt her though. But, I was wondering why do you have a chain around her neck that you hold?". Kitana looked at him and smiled, "Well for one I will make sure that your mom is well taken care of. Also the chain around her neck is because....because...well I don't want her to run off and plus the guards would never let me leave the palace without her chain on.". Grayson looked up at Kitana and hugged her tightly, Kitana hugged back and a slight tea went down her cheek. Jade walked up behind Grayson and looked at Kitanas face and brushed the tear off her face.

After all of that

The two women stood in the throne room and Kitana unlatched the chain from Jades neck and smiled. Kitana looked at jade straight in her green eyes and smiled as she moved towards her an hugged her. The two stayed like that for 20 minutes until Kitana pulled back her head and looked at Jade again. Both let out a small giggle when the realized how close their faces were. Both of them continued to get get closer until they shared the same breath. To both of the girls there hearts felt free and happy. They pulled back from each other and both smiled wail hugging.
Kitana looked at Jade once again and with her courage she said a few words. "Jade,...will-will you be my girlfriend?" Kitana placed her head on Jades shoulder. "Yes, a thousand times yes!".

Yes yes yes I know this chapter was shorter then most but~ at least now they are dating and what y'all have been waiting for happened. Also I wrote this in the middle of class so yea. Hope y'all are doing well and take care...

WAIT, WAIT HOLD UP I wanna say something I wanna give a humongous shoutout to Afloofypup she has supported me and overall is an amazing person. I hope your doing well have have a wonderful day!

 I hope your doing well have have a wonderful day!

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The thief and the princess (jade x kitana)Where stories live. Discover now