9 How to fight without a fighting ability

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[Alert! New Quest: Defeat the 3 attackers]

[Reward: Unlock System Teacher]

'It seems like we are in sync for the first time.' Rhys grinned as a punch came flying at his face.


Rhys stayed completely still, seemingly unbothered by the attacker's fist that was only a few inches away from his jaw. The attacker thought nothing of it, he assumed Rhys was so scared that he was frozen in place, so the attacker swung his fist with as much power as he could muster, aiming to knock out some of Rhys's teeth with the first blow.


The attacker screamed in agony as his fist went straight through Rhys's face and hit the thick stone wall of the alleyway behind Rhys's head with a disturbing crunch. Although he had a strengthening ability, it was not at the level of being able to punch through stone walls.

The attacker immediately fell to the floor, shrieking in pain and clutching his broken fist. Blood spewed out of the gashes on his knuckles while some of his fingers were bent at disturbing angles.

[Spiritual body used +5 Exp]

Rhys was not a fighter. During school, he had always tried his best to avoid conflict because without an ability he knew any fights were pointless. He would inevitably end up as the loser, on the ground with blood and bruises covering his body. However, sometimes not fighting was not an option and Rhys would be forced at the very least to defend himself. Since he was weaker and slower than most other people his age, he knew the importance of timing and observation. Strike any opponent at the right time at the right spot, and they would go down.

Rhys wasted no time, he lunged forward and swung his boot at the opponent's face. Rhys's boot made hard contact with the guy's jaw. Blood sprayed out of his mouth followed by a few teeth. He fell to the street floor, completely knocked out. Rhys was quite surprised that his kick had been strong enough to knock the other guy out from just one blow, he could only sum this up as his strength stat going up. The Ghost system was having a very real effect on his body, just like in a game.

"You freaking idiot!"  Sampson screamed furiously at his unconscious friend from the end of the alley. "How did you miss him? You were right fucking in front of him?"

Rhys smiled knowing that Sampson had not figured out Rhys's ability yet. Sampson must have assumed that Rhys had dodged the punch causing his friend to miss Rhys and punch the wall behind him instead. It was a logical assumption for Sampson to make since he still believed Rhys to be coreless. Sampson's misinterpretation of the situation was good for Rhys because it meant that he still had the element of surprise on his side.

'Aura detection'

The next guy was already in front of Rhys. His fists raised like a boxer, with a sturdy stance to back up his attacks. And Rhys noted the warm yellowish aura around his body.

[Aura detection used + 5 Exp]

[Occupation: Attacker]

[Aura: Strengthening(weak)]

The attacker threw a fury of short powerful punches at Rhys. Out of necessity, Rhys continued to keep his spiritual body skill on so he would not get pummelled by the punches, if he got hit from a punch by a person with a strengthening ability, it would be lights out immediately for him. However, Rhys wanted to keep up the farce of having no ability until his attacker gave him an opening. Thus Rhys pretended that he was dodging the punches by randomly waving his upper body from side to side like a penguin, while in reality, his skill was allowing the swift punches to pass right through him.

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