HNA 64

167 10 4

The other part of the forest is burning up with fire, the other side is smoking with a light pink smoke poisoning or something

As the villain introduced themselves Mandalay instructed us to go back in the camp and not fight at the villains

But Midorya insisted that he knows where Kota goes and he'll go to him, Mandalay approve him made Midorya left us

For some reason seeing Pixie-Bob laying in the ground, unconscious with a injured in her head made me want to fight them

So instead of going back with Iida, Ojiro, Koda and Mineta I decided to fight them "(Y/N), come on"

Iida says as they were waiting for me, I shook my head and look at Tiger "Let me fight, too!" I said

Their eyes winded hearing my request "No, you are a student let us handle this" he said to me

"(Y/N), let's go. Let them handle it!" Iida convince me once again "Yeah, (Y/N) Aizawa sensei would scold you if you continue being like that!"

Ojiro said but I shook my head "No, please..." I said tearing up

I don't want to leave them, what if they get hurt as we are running back? I don't want to experience the pain I experienced before.

Leaving my comrade... nii-chan, nee-chan...

"... I don't want you to get hurt" I said as my tear are falling down to my cheeks, Tiger eyes widened

He look at my classmate and nod "Go back and (Y/N) will fight beside us" he said and look at me

"But you will receive a punishment after this" he added, I smile at him and nod.

"You're so hard headed" Malanday said as she smile at me, I positioned myself and look at the villains

I smirk and look at the green villain named Spinner, Tiger said his name earlier "Don't worry, I'm a villain killer after all"

Spinner eyes winded hearing those word "What do you mean? like hero killer: Stain"

I shrugged my shoulder, the two of them started attacking Tiger and Malanday while I'm fighting beside Malanday.

Since Spinner is using a lot of swords, he kept hitting me made me a lot of injured in my body from time to time

I don't want to lose to them but I don't want to summoned the sword and use my other quirk again that's why I keep attacking him as much I can

Later on Midorya arrived and broke spinner swords, I noticed that his arm is damage

Meaning he did it again, he use one for all with 100% again, this kid.

"Malanday, Kota's okay!" Midorya said and look at her beside me, "You..!" she said, looking at him

Midorya finally land in the ground "and here's the message from Aizawa sensei! tell everyone with telepath!"

He added and look at her "Everyone in class A and class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser head, you are granted permission to engage in combat!"

My eyes widen hearing those word but can't help to smile, Mandalay started using her quirk and tell everyone

"You, get back in the camp immediately!" Mandalay said as she kick spinner

"Those aren't normal injuries, take (Y/N) with you since she already had an injuries" she added.

I look at Midorya "No... I'm sorry" Midorya said and stood up "Please tell everyone one more thing!"

Midorya said as he started running "The villains at lease one of their target is...they're after Kachaan!"

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