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'I'll protect you and our baby.'


"Min? Why are you still awake?" Hyewon ask Minju.

She was actually asleep but she feel like someone is staring at her,she open her eyes. Then she saw her soon to be husband staring at her.

"Ouh. You're awake."

"Yeah since 30 minutes ago." Hyewon sit up.

Minju then lay down on her lap and face Hyewon's baby bump. She keep on pecking it.

"I'm sorry. You're too pretty that's why I  can't stop staring at you. I hope our baby will look like you."

"But your pretty too thou." Hyewon peck her forehead.

"Anyways. Why didn't you sleep?" Hyewon ask.

"I'm nervouse."

"Don't worry."

"I'm afraid I might messed up my vows."

"It's okay. I'm fine if there is no vows." Hyewon said.

"No! An angel like you deserve a vow. That vow is my promise to you that I will protect you and our baby. " Minju sit up and pout.

"Whatever vow you said. I will love it." Hyewon said and wrap her arms around Minju nape.

Minju kiss her lips until Hyewon was laying on the bed and she was on top of the latter.

"I want you."

"We can't."

"Why not? The doctor said it's fine for us to have sex."

"Yes it is. But we are getting married tomorrow. "

"And.....we can still do it." Minju pout.

"Yes we can. But do you want me to get tired? If we do it now. Tomorrow night there won't be any gift for you." Hyewon peck her lips.

"Ughh fine." Minju groan and lay down beside Hyewon.

Hyewon only sigh because of her horny partner.

"Can we do it now?" Minju ask again.

Hyewon just stay silent and turn around back facing her. Minju pout and hug her.

"Wonyoung will still be fine if we did it."

"Who is Wonyoung? " Hyewon ask.

"Our baby." Minju said and carres Hyewon's baby bump.

"I love you." Minju suddenly said and kiss Hyewon's crown.

"I love you too. "

𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗕𝘆 𝗠𝘆 𝗜𝗱𝗼𝗹Where stories live. Discover now