Chapter 4

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A week later harry has finished his grounding and is sitting in his lab marking essays for Severus when he comes across Melvin's essay and is extremely disappointed, by the looks of it he didn't even use his text book or spend more than 5 minutes on it. Harry gets up and walks out of his lab with a frown on his face and knocks on the door to his dad's study when he hears an enter he goes in and waits for his dad to ask him what is wrong he doesn't say just hands him the essay.

Regulus looks up at his oldest son with a frown on his face just like his son "are you sure this is Melvin's essay" he asks.

"yes, the pile of essays I am currently marking is first years as Severus is behind on his marking, he asked me to mark these essays"

"ok hold on a second I am going to ask an elf to bring Melvin here is going to explain but you are in charge of this meeting as you were the one who came across this"

Three minutes later Melvin is in his dad's study with his brother and father standing across from him with stern frowns on their faces "ok what did I do?" he asks

At that Harry lets rip he slams the essay down on the desk then starts the lecture "you mean to tell me you don't know what that is, it is your potions essay professor snape asked me to mark first year essays as part of my mastery duties and imagine my surprise and disappointment when I came across your essay which clearly shows you didn't use the text book or spend more than 5 minutes on it. Well explain!" Harry snaps out

"i was struggling on it and then Mark asked me to play chess so I left it and then just handing it in as it was"

With that harry is pissed off he turns to his dad "I'm sorry dad but I need to step out a minute before I take him over my knee myself"

Regulus takes over the discussion "I can't believe you, you have loads of resources available to you, you could have asked your brother for help you could have asked me the fact that you handed that essay in just infuriates me. You are grounded for two weeks you will help your brother in the lab and if your brother decides to give you further punishment you will accept it as he is your assistant professor and teacher also and if you EVER even think of handing in an essay that poor again, I will spank you do I make myself clear young man?"

"yes dad, I'm sorry it won't happen again"

Ok go and find your brother and see what or if he wants to further discipline, he wants to add

Melvin goes to his brother's lab knocks and walks in "Harry I'm sorry dad said I'm grounded for two weeks and if you wanted to add punishment, I had to accept it as you are my assistant professor and also teach me as well"

Harry looks up and sees his brother is sorry but he has to add some extra punishment to drive the message home "it is completely unacceptable that you handed that essay in when you could have asked me for help so as a result you have detention with me and professor snape for two weeks the same length of your grounding where you will do whatever professor snape and I can think of also you will come to my lab twice a week so I can tutor you until further notice I will let you know when and what time your detentions when I have spoken to professor snape and if you ever hand in an essay of that standard again I will spank you do I make myself clear?"

Yes, sir Melvin replies

Harry lets him go and then goes to speak to Severus he knocks on the door and walks in "hi Severus just to let you know I gave Melvin black detention with us for two weeks he handed in a poor essay and didn't use the text book or spend more than five minutes on it just so he could play chess"

"Excuse me he gave in an essay that was of poor standard and expected to get that by us just so he could play chess"

"yes, and he has been punished I let my dad know and he is grounded for two weeks and he has to help in my lab I'm going to tutor him twice a week until further notice to help with his grades in potions. I was so disappointed when I came across his essay especially as he could have asked me for help"

Ok his detentions will be Monday Thursday and Friday at 7pm as you have your mastery work to be doing on Tuesday and Wednesday."

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