Chapter 1

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After heading back to the resort, Yu Qing and Yu Feng decided to have a small party before leaving back to their usual schedule. Weichi watched with a smile on her face as both schools got along and were currently chatting away.

Zu Ziping was grateful of Weichi's kindness to his sister and she was grateful for the Yu Feng captain's kindness to have helped her from the drunkard that she had encountered at the beginning of her time at the resort with her brother's teammates and supposed opponents.

After the party, the teams decided to go on their own paths, going back to their respective schools with their players. 

Weichi was quietly walking next to the Golden Partners as Jiale had talked to Dayong about something that he had seen on his phone. Weichi had zone out as she walked, but was pulled out of her trance when she heard someone call her name.


"Gah!" She jumped. She turned to see who was calling her to see Zhuo Zhi staring at her, "Yes?"

"You're zoning out," He pointed out. Weichi smiled and thanked him before she decided to walk alongside her brother.

Siyang wasn't one to make much chit chat with other people, but his little sister was different. He was able to have a long conversation. He could tell her his darkest secrets. Though, all but one. Coming up was a match against Xing Yao and Siyang was planning on going all out again. Not to mention, his arm was injured, but Weichi had no idea. She knew he had an injury before, but she was told that it was healed. That he was fine.

Lies. That's all that she was fed. He wasn't okay. Her brother would be risking everything, especially his future when he goes against Ji Jingwu. Weichi didn't hate Jingwu, but she wasn't fond of him either.

When the team finally got back to the school, they began parting ways, some going alone while others went in pairs or small groups. Weichi went with her brother and Zhuo Zhi, but they walked in silence. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't exactly at ease. Weichi could feel a bit of tension between her brother and his friend, but she couldn't put her finger on what the problem was.

When it was time for Zhuo Zhi and the siblings to part ways, they gave a small wave and quiet whispers of a good night to the other before silently walking apart as they did together.

When the siblings got home, the house was silent, the only sound was the faint snoring coming from their sleeping father. They quietly walked into the house, gently placing their things down by the door as they then went to their respective rooms, tucking themselves into bed before falling into a deep slumber, awaiting for the next day to arise... 

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