Chapter 1

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"Mal? What do we do?" Belle asked, looking to her future daughter-in-law for guidance. They had just gotten word that the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter had been stolen from the museum and there was no clue as to who had done the act.

Mal knew one thing: she didn't know what they should do. People were already in a panic over her dad almost escaping, thought it more than likely was the idea of someone escaping the Isle again rather than it being Hades to be the one to escape.

Word had traveled fast, there probably wasn't an Auradon citizen who didn't know about Mal's relation to the Lord of the Underworld.

She hadn't really liked the idea of lying about why her father had zapped her with the ember but it had been the first thing that came to her mind. Saying Hades was draining her magic was a lot safer for Steph and Hadie than saying Hades was connecting her to the ember. To fully embrace her Godly abilities. After all, no one on the Isle knew she was Hades' daughter and they had been inches from the barrier.

There had still been a crowd to see off the next round of VKs who were going to Auradon Prep. Dizzy might have known the truth because of her being at the first viewing but she was the only one.

However Ben's people had really only two modes: celebration and mindless panic. So the idea of someone escaping the Isle...someone who was related to the only other Isle resident to was enough to make anyone panic.

Gods Uma at full power would be potentially bad enough but Uma partnered with my dad, at least in the minds of a panicked kingdom? Mal thought. And what if another one of the adults got out? Or hell Fred Frollo or Zevon? Especially Zevon, Uma could at least be reasoned with. Zevon has no rhyme or reason, even if Jay seems to think he had a crush on me back when we were on the Isle. Plus unlike Freddy boy, Zevon has no aversion to using things like potions to get his way. There's only one thing I can think of and no one's going to like it. If there's another option though, unfortunately I'm not seeing it.

"I think...I think we need to consider..." Mal said but before she could finish, there was a flash of bright light that surrounded everyone in the room. When it faded, Mal couldn't help but sigh when she saw that she was once again in the same room that they had used for the previous two viewings.

And once again, standing in the middle of the room, was the beautiful Blue Fairy.

"Blue Fairy," Beast said with a kind smile yet anyone could tell that he was confused. "Why have you brought us here? All is well within the kingdom. Well with the exception of one issue but it's well within our capabilities."

"My husband's correct," Belle nodded. "There's certainly no reason that we can see for you to have brought us here."

The Blue Fairy sighed and shook her head. "There is indeed an issue within the kingdom, your highnesses, but it is not the one that you speak. In fact, it's been growing under all of our noses. Including mine, I'm ashamed to say."

"What do you mean Blue Fairy?" Ben asked, looking over at Mal in alarm. Was something going on with Mal again? Ben thought. But...wouldn't she have told me? It's not like last time right? She's not going to run back to the Isle again? Right?

"You'll see what I mean soon your highness," the Blue Fairy stated, bringing Ben out of his thoughts, "but first I believe we need to bring in a few more guests before we can start this viewing."

With a waive of her wand, the Blue Fairy caused another flash of bright light to fill the room. When it faded, the room was a lot more crowded than it had been.

"Ben!" Akiho called, rushing up to him as Evie went rushing up to Mal. "What's going on?"

"Apparently we're due for another viewing," Ben told him and looked around the room in slight shock. "Is it me or are there a lot more people than last time?"

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