The Beggining of The End

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Art creds: @piimoriicolour on twitter

Tommyinnit tried to swim in lava whilst trying to escape _____

The death message made everyone's stomach into pits. Why was there a blank space? Who was he trying to escape? Was Tommy gone for... for good?


Dream stood on the bridge above the lava. The heat made him sweat underneath his mask and hoodie. He didn't feel guilty, Tommy deserved it. It'll teach the other a lesson about respecting your superiors... right?

He was deep in thought when he heard someone come through the portal behind him.

"Dream..?" The voice behind him echoed in his ears, haunting him. It was George. George, of all people, was the first to make it to the nether.
Dream assumed that George was heading to Logstedshire to check on Tommy but stopped in his tracks when he saw Dream standing above the lava ocean.

"George I..."
He paused.

Would it really be best to say that he, Dream, had killed Tommy, Vice President, founder, friend, brother, son, child...

He had murdered a child in cold blood... all for the stupid disks, all for power... all because he felt threatened by him... for what?
After isolating him, blowing up his home, and even manipulating him, on top of all that... he took his life as well.
What did he gain?

"George I-... I didn't make it in time to see who did it..."


Dream crouched down and traced his fingers on the netherack lightly. He felt a hand be placed on top of his head... George... a droplet of water hit the netherack next to him and evaporated because of the heat. More droplets came, along with some chocked back sniffles.

He stood up swiftly and enveloped George into a hug, tears staining his shirt.

I used him... George, I used him as an excuse to exile Tommy. I never really cared about his house, in another life I probably would've laughed about it. But... I saw an opportunity.

Im so sorry


Soon afterwards footsteps echoed through the whole nether. Panicked footsteps. Hesitant footsteps. Fearful footsteps. Sad footsteps. Who knew walking pace had so much to say.

First came Tubbo. Sprinting down the cavern into the open space, out of breath, tears threatening to be shed at the first sign of death. He paused when he saw Dream and George hugging, they hadn't been close at all recently, and now here they were... hugging.
George was full on sobbing in the comfort of Dream's shoulder. And Dream... well he stood there. His posture didn't give any tells on his emotions... of course his mask blocked his face, so maybe he was crying. Who knows.

Tubbo searched frantically for his missing friend, eyes darting back and forth, scanning every inch of the nether.
Ranboo came sprinting shortly after Tubbo, panting. He had been with Tubbo when the death message appeared and had to chase him when he started running like a mad man. "T-Tubbo -" he paused when he saw George and Dream.

Ranboo had always tried to stay friends with everyone, but... he couldn't get behind being friends with Dream.
He felt pity for George when Dream suddenly didn't seem to care about him. And he felt bad for burning his house down. It was never his intention to burn it to cinder, Tommy thought it would be fun to just "borrow" some things from gogy, it was never meant to go so far. Tommy really didn't deserve exile.

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