Chapter 3

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Sophie's POV:

"Are we there yet?" Sophie panted, wringing her hands

"Not quite" Mr. Forkel grunted

Sophie groaned, continuing to trek up the mountain

After an hour of convincing her parents that she will be fine, another for promising to follow all the rules and stay safe and being careful, she was granted permission by Edaline and Grady, then spent 20 minutes with Sandor giving her the usual safety talk, another half hour of convincing Mr. Forkel, with a lot of grumbling and arguing and promises, Sophie was finally free to go (aka. me convincing me parents to let me go for a group sleepover to my friends' house two blocks away) 

But that was 3 hours ago

And now, her, Mr. Forkel and Tam (because he insisted, stating he knows her better) were trekking up a huge mountain to go visit her, hoping she has all the answers they need

"Can't we levitate?" she asked again

"No, Miss Foster, as I told you the last 26 times, we can't because the winds are too strong" he answered

Sophie groaned, for once wishing Sandor was there so he could carry her till the top, but unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to come to this....erm....trip

2 hours, and they'd only climbed up half the mountain

She had to keep reminding herself that she was doing this for Keefe, and that was probably the only thing that kept her going

 "Can we take a small break?" she asked, hoping he say yes

"Ok, for a few minutes, perhaps" Mr. Forkel said, sitting down on a rock

Sophie shuddered and pulled her cape tighter around herself as another wave of chilly air hit her. 

The black swan just had to chose a snowy mountain to keep the safe house, right?

Even with all the body temperature regulation and layers of thick clothing she wore, she still shivered because of the extremely low temperature and to top it off, snow

Don't get her wrong, she loved snow, but not when trekking up a huge mountain at noon to find answers that may or may not be useful in waking him up.

He will wake up, she reminded herself again

After the terrible nightmare last night and the reading proceeding that, she was barely able to get any sleep, and her eyelids were droopy now. The 3 hours in the morning training with Sandor didn't add to the situation either.

She leaned against a nearby tree and glanced at Tam, who did not at all seem disturbed by the cold.

Tam had insisted on coming because he knew her best, stating he would be helpful if it came to bargaining, but it was mainly Grady that had wanted at least someone to go with her

Honestly, she was kind of glad that it wasn't Fitz, as after their whole argument and break up, even agreeing to stay as simply friends, things were awkward between them...

She shook those thoughts put of her mind as Tam handed her a water bottle. She took it, giving him a small smile

For now, all she was going to focus on was bringing Keefe back from his weird coma-like state

"You're kidding, right?"

"Unfortunately, no, Miss Foster" Mr. Forkel answered

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