HNA 66

146 10 5

I made my decision, I'm going with them.


Kotaro called me as I entered the house, I look at him with a puffy, red eyes because of crying earlier while leaving at the hospital.

All of the close people to me always been hurting...and I don't want Kotaro to be hurt, too.

I started removing my shoes as Kotaro is watching me "Go back to your Mom and Dad's house and leave me alone"

I said with a cold tone, he tilt his head to confusion "Pardon?" he asked, I sighed and look at him

"You heard me, leave me alone. Your presence is annoying" I said and stood up.

I'm saying these things to him so his not going to hurt too, "Told to your uncle, Hitoka's brother that I don't need your family to take care of me"

Hitoka's brother is Ryu's son, he was supposed to be the one who'll take care of me instead of Kotaro but since Ryu is died he is also the one taking care of the company.

Hitoka's brother is 10 years older from Kotaro, Kotaro is only 16 so he's 22, he's so young to be an uncle.

I said and started walking away but then a back hug stopped me, it was Kotaro he buried his face in my shoulder since he was taller than me

"What are you doing? you can't change my mind" I said and tried to remove his hand on my waist

He shook his head and said "Can't you stop blaming and hating yourself, it's not your fault Bakugou-san been kidnapped"

My eyes widened hearing those word but didn't give up to remove his hands "Kotaro, I'm not blaming myself. Let go of me and leave"

He finally let go but made me turned around "(Y/N)-san, you're thinking that because I'm with your side I'm going to hurt, right?"

My eyes widened and avoid his eyes contact "(Y/N)-san, I know you very well. I won't leave" Kotaro said.

"Can you stop being stubborn and just do what I say?!" I said, he shook his head and hug me "(Y/N)-san"

"You won't hurt me with those word, you're only hurting yourself for saying that hurtful things to me" he said.

This stubborn brat.

My tears finally burst out and hug him back, he chuckled and patted my back "See?"

"I'm sorry, Kotaro" I said as I cry in his shoulder, he patted my back and nod "not everyone on your side is going to're not dangerous"

He let go of the hug and look at me in the eye "(Y/N)-san, it's not your fault that you didn't reach Bakugou-san that day. Stop blaming yourself"

"I know, it's just...he's my first friend after my old friends died" I said and wiped my tears.

I look at his blue orbs "He's so close to me since he was a child... I even promise him that I'll protect him"


After what happened when the Villain attack the city while Katsuki and I were going for a walk.

(A/n: This Flashback happened in HNA/Chapter 8, when you two ran accidentally with the Villain while having a snack. In case you guys might confuse)

"Because of me... you're hurt" Katsuki said pouting as I was treating my wounds

I look at him and smile "It's alright, see its not a big deal" I said and punch the air, I can see through his eyes that he was really regretting for being stubborn earlier.

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now