Chapter five

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The next morning
She walked to her classroom. On her desk was a bouquet of roses. Gold roses.
"What the, Vicky thought.
"Whoa loverboys' have really upgraded", Brooke said behind her
"Must be a noble".

Vicky's confused face made her pinch her nose and shake her head.
"Please don't tell me you don't know who the nobles are", she said.

Vicky stared at her plainly.
"Huh what would you do without me. The nobles are the students with rich backgrounds. They're all snobby and for some reason popular.", Brooke explained.
"I see", Vicky said as she tossed the bouquet away.
"What?! If you don't want it I do I mean it's pure gold", Brooke said
"It's a distraction and useless to me", Vicky said.
"There's a note", Brooke said picking an overly decorated piece of paper.
She read out loud,

                 Isn't this what you want
      I know how to play the Cinderella   
       game too, it's very interesting.
         You've got my attention now
I'll play this game with you for a while
              You must be overjoyed

                       Head of the nobles

"Oh my Goodness", Brooke said excited.
"What?", Vicky asked.
"Parker sent this", Brooke said thrusting the note in her face.
"Who?", Vicky asked.
"C'mon on! Which planet did you come from? Parker, heir to the Lock's Empire. The new head of the nobles", Brooke said loosing patience with her best friend.
"Oh I see", Vicky said.
"You're always seeing but never observe", Brooke said rolling her eyes.
"We have a test today so please don't...", Vicky said

Outside the classroom,
"Riley she got flowers from Parker", Ashley said clenching her fists.
Riley grinned maliciously.
"Clearly we've been making things too easy for her".
"What should we do?", Ashley asked knowing that sinister smile.
"Don't worry cousin I've got it under control", Riley assured her.

"Ah! Nobles!",a girl shrieked excitedly.
Parker and his best friend, Tristan Ryder had just walked in and made their way to Vicky who just stared at her biology textbook.
"I'm surprised you threw them away", Parker said referring to the bouquet on the floor.
"If you understand my gesture you'll leave me alone", Vicky muttered.
"You can throw away those common flowers. How bout this?", Parker snapped his fingers and a boy with a suitcase appeared. He opened it to show wads of money.
"Be my girl and all this will be yours and more", Parker said with confidence.
"Please go away", Vicky replied, rolling her eyes much to Brooke's amusement and surprise.
"Ah! So this is what they mean by playing hard to get, very well I'll play your little game",he said waving as he left her class.
"That guy's crazy", Vicky told Brooke.
"Crazy about you", Brooke said laughing.

"Has the world gone crazy?!", Ashley screamed after classes, tearing at her skirt."Parker's falling for her!"
"She must have done something to them,how could so many boys like her?", Riley said.
"Yes! She must've drugged them or something! Despicable!", Ashley agreed.
"Since she's been drugging them why don't we help the boys and pay her back in her own coin", Riley said.
"Yes! Yes! We should do it!", Ashley replied.

Next morning, classroom

"Hmm..... Who put this here?", Vicky said to herself as she spotted a slice of cake on her desk.
She picked it up and under it was a note.......
         Dear Vicky,
This is the breakfast I prepared with all my love please enjoy it
                      From your special admirer

"Ugh there's no way I'm eating this", Vicky said, putting the piece of cake down.
"I guess I'll just feed my mind", she said, picking a book to read.

"She... She just put it down!", Ashley exclaimed as she watched Vicky.
"Maybe she's not hungry yet",Riley reasoned.

Suddenly there was a loud bang!
"Woohoo I'm early today.", Brooke said excited." From now on I'll be a good student".
She sighted the cake on Vicky's desk and rushed to her.
"You prepared this for me that's so nice of you", she told her.
"Wait that's...."
Brooke gobbled up the cake.
"Delicious thanks", she mumbled while chewing.
Riley and Ashley's jaws dropped as they watched Brooke chew away happily.

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