Chapter Six

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"Who the hell is that?!", Ashley fumed.
"Tch! Lucky bastard", Riley said, angrily.
"She just let her eat it, who does that?", Ashley asked no one in particular.
"Shhhh they'll hear you", Riley said.

"Wait this doesn't taste good,is it supposed to have this sour taste", Brooke said as she took the last bite.
"Isn't it a bit too late for you to realize that?", Vicky asked her.
Brooke fell to her knees.
"It... It's like poison",
She fell to the ground.
"Hey! Brooke! Don't joke around!

Medical room
"What did you give me?!", Brooke  yelled.
"I didn't give you anything, you just grabbed it and stuffed it in your mouth", Vicky reminded her.
"Everywhere hurts", Brooke cried.
"Stop crying you'll only make it worse", Vicky tried to cheer her up.
"I'm going to hurt who did this!", Brooke exclaimed.

"My my isn't there too much fuss inside the patient's room?", Someone asked outside.
A blonde man in a white coat walked in.
"Hello ladies. Hope everything's fine",he said smiling.
Brooke could feel herself going red.
'This doctor is cute'
"Please take a look at her, doctor", Vicky said standing up,"The poison seems to have affected her brain too".
"No I'm not sure that's the case", the doctor said." Lift your arm"
"Alright", Brooke complied lifting her arm.
"May I ask what your name is, doctor?"she asked.
"Jason",he replied.
"Where are you from? When did you start working at our school? How old are you? Can I come visit you sometime?", She asked him excitedly until he brought out a needle out of nowhere.
"Ah! Is that necessary?!", she whimpered moving away from him.
"It's just an injection don't be so nervous", he smiled at her.
Vicky held her forcefully,"Give it to her now!".
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!", Brooke's scream could be heard through the school halls.
"Will I die?", she asked wearily.
"No the amount of poison wasn't enough to harm the body but it did cause an allergic reaction and the food already went bad, didn't you notice that?", Doctor Jason asked her.
"Yes I did"
"You only noticed after you finished eating!", Vicky pointed out.
"I.. I.. I"
Doctor Jason chuckled and left the room.
As the door closed shut Vicky stood up.
"If you're alright I'll be leaving then", she told Brooke.
"Please don't go"
"But I have class"
"I thought you were my best friend"
"Fine just stop squeezing me!"

Vicky sat beside her bringing out a book to read.
"Vicky who do you think poisoned me?", Brooke asked her.
Vicky sighed and placed her book on the table beside her.
"Whoever it was wasn't trying to poison you their target was me", she said,"That cake was given to me as a gift"
"Do you have any idea who it could be?"
Vicky shook her head.
Brooke stared at the wall for a while.
"Maybe it's Parker!"
"The nobles are really proud and he's the head. Since you turned him down
of course he'd be spiteful about it", Brooke explained.
"It has to be him!"
"Are you sure?"
"Trust me I've watched every single Sherlock Holmes movie my deductions are perfect."
"Just go ask him. I'm the one who got poisoned", Brooke said.
"Ok I'll go remember to take your medicine", Vicky got up and walked to the door.
"I will", Brooke waved.

"Leaving already"
Vicky met Dr Jason outside in the waiting area.
"Yeah", she replied.
He smiled,"Why don't we chat for a while?"
'Chat? We don't know each other. What does he want from me?', Vicky thought frantically, remembering the aura of enchantment.
"I have to get back to class!", she grabbed the door handle.
Jason reached over and shut the door before she could exit.
"What do you want from me?!", she turned to face him.
"My bad, sorry I should have told you first",he smiled then with a serious face said,"Seriously speaking I'm interested in your body".
Vicky froze at first then turned to the door and pulled at the handle,"Help! Pervert! Let me out!".
The doctor chuckled,"What pervert?I mean literally. A doctor is interested in a patient's body! You're overthinking".
"First of all I'm not your patient, don't try to fool me in the name of doctor", Vicky screamed.
"Temper. Calm down I'm doing this for my medical values. Please think it over",he said smiling, letting her pass through the door.
She pushed her way to the door and ran as fast as her legs could carry her.
Jason watched her retreating figure and laughed.
'Do I really look like a pervert? Strange girl but I like strange',he said to himself.

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