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3rd Person's POV

I wonder how he's doing..

The h/c-nette woman thought as she sits on the edge of the bridge, watching the sun slowly set in the horizon.

Y/n just came back to Japan from a business trip and she's been gone for half a year. The 25-year-old girl let out a sigh and took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket.

She knows that he will get mad at her. But well, he's not here right now, and she promised herself this is the last one before she goes to see him.

Lighting up the last cig, blowing out the puff of smoke, she looked down to her reflection in the water. She really didn't age at all.

Leaving the clan was the right thing to do.. Was it?

The girl thought as her regrets from 10 years ago still linger around. Y/n frowns at her reflection and blows out another puff of smoke.

Making up her mind, the female sorcerer stood up on the railing, about to turn around until she heard someone shouted.



Before she can even question it. She felt someone pulled her down to the ground. Both she and the unknown person hit the cold hard ground.

"What the hell-"

"Whatever it is you are facing right now, it isn't a reason for you to end your life!"

The guy shouted, cutting her off. He has short pink hair with an undercut. He has a stern look on his face and he does look cute. Y/n blinked a few times before taking her cigarette in her hand.

"I'm not trying to kill myself, can you get off?"

She asked and the guy panicked. That instant, all the fiber of her being went high alert mode.

Special grade cursed object..

She thought and observed the boy.

"Ah? You're not? I'm sorry!" He exclaimed and immediately get off of her. Both of them got up and y/n drop her last cigarette, stepping on it with her heels to make sure nothing burned.

"It's fine, how did you get the idea I was going to jump?" The girl asked the boy who looks younger than her.

"I was passing by and noticed you had a sad look on your face and you are smoking, which is bad.. so I thought.." He trailed off

Y/n let out a chuckle which made the boy blushed at the sight and the girl's laugh, he felt embarrassed to be misunderstanding the situation.

"Anyways, you can rest assure, I won't be doing anything stupid, and aren't you supposed to be going somewhere?"

Y/n asked when she noticed the boy is staring at her in awe. She also noticed the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Oh yeah! Hospital!"

He exclaimed and immediately runoff. The older girl watches the boy run off and narrowed her eyes.

Should I go get it?

She thought and sigh. Following the boy, to the hospital, she went to the roof. Her curse is strong for an heir, she is the strongest in her clan.

Being able to switch into 2 demons like curses at will and controlling their powers and ability is really rare. The hospital has a few curses here and there.

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