Bathroom Lunch (Chapter 10)

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"Well you two have different last names, you went to different schools before coming here. Which means you can't be related or old classmates. My guess is that your dating but what I'm wondering is why you live together and why you ran away from home L/N."

Denki and I exchanged glances, my mind went blank. Principal Nezu eye's darted between Denki and I. 'Do you want to tell him or lie?' Denki mouthed to me. I looked away and thought for a second. 'lie' I mouthed back. Denki slightly nodded and turned his head back towards Nezu.

"She didn't run away from home she uh..." Denki struggled finding the right lie to say. "I got kicked out and I met Denki and started to live with him." I finished for him. Since my dad was very abusive I learned how to lie on the spot.

Nezu didn't say anything, he just nodded and motioned us to the door. Denki and I both quickly got up and left the room. Once we were both down the hallway where he couldn't see us anymore we both looked at each other. The second our eyes met we both bursted into laughter.

"Maybe I should've gone with telling him the truth, you suck at lying." I said wheezing. "It's not my fault, whenever I try to lie my mind goes blank and my thoat goes dry." he defended but it just resulted in me laughing even more.

"Geez, that makes you sound like such a mama's boy." I laughed again at my own insult. Denki pouted and started running down the hallway. "Hey, wait up!" I shouted, running after him. I heard him chuckle but when I ran around the corner he was no where to be seen.

I immediately stopped and looked around me. Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms pull me and push me to a wall. I looked up and saw Denki leaning over me. My breath hitched in my throat and my palms got sweaty. Both of Denki's arms were against the wall, pinning me down. I slightly opened my mouth, trying to speak but no words were coming out.

Denki lowered his head to my ear and let out a low chuckle. The second his hot breath hit my ear it sent a shiver down my spine. "Mama's boy?" he whispered in my ear cause goose bumps to run down my arms.

Just as he started to lean in someone very fast was walking, coming from the hallway heading towards us. Denki either didn't hear or didn't care. When he was less then a centimeter away I heard "Stop right there!" I rolled my eyes.

I recognize that voice, and I hate it. Denki pulled away and faced the person that interupted us. Iida was moving his arms around like a malfunctioning robot and yelling at us but I wasn't listening to any of it.

"Come on we have do get back to class!" he said draging us back to that horrible class. "Why don't you pull that stick out of your ass." I mumbled under my breath but they both heard me. Denki tried to hold in his laughter but to no avail, he burst out laughing. I heard Iida let out an annoyed huff. "Seriously why can't you just act like civilized, respectful students?!" Iida complained.

"Cause we don't have a stick up our ass the size of a tree." I retorted bursting out into laughter myself. Iida rolled his eyes but before he could speak again Denki grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hallway back to the classroom. Just before we walked in the looked at me and said "Your going to be the death of me."

I laughed "You love me though," I replied as I opened the door to the classroom. The second we walked in all eyes were on me, especially Mina's, it felt like her eyes were burning into my soul. Denki and I both took our seats just as Iida was walking back into the room giving us an annoyed look before sitting down.

Mr. Aizawa continued with his boring class but I wasn't listening to any of it. It's not that I hate school or Mr. Aizawa but I just think there are way better things I could be doing. Plus after what just happened there are far more important things on my mind then school.

I heard the bell ring and everyone immediately got up and left the room. I was about to walk out of the room when Mr. Aizawa called for me. "Yes, Mr. Aizawa?" I asked walking over to him. "Next time you fail to pay attention in my class you'll get detention and extra homework along with it." he threatened in such a calm voice to the point where it kinda freaked me out.

I gulped and quickly nodded while rushing out of the classroom. The second I left I let out a sigh of releif. I slowly walked to the lunch room. In fear of Denki trying to talk to me about earlier I got in line grabbed a school lunch and left. When I was in middle school I usually spent lunch in the bathroom so why not do it now?

I walked in and got to the biggest stall. It was kinda cold in here but I just brushed it off and sat down, starting to eat my lunch. I'm not that hungry but when I go home tonight I'm going to pass on dinner to avoid Denki. I don't what to hurt him but I don't know what to do or think. Heck, I don't even know how I feel! Do I like him? I mean, I haven't known him that long but I feel so happy when I'm around him and I feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm around him.

I don't want to like him though. It may sound mean saying that but I highly doubt he'll stick around after a while. Just as I was finsihing my lunch I heard someone step into the bathroom. "Y/N?"

Electric Emotion  (Denki x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant