Chapter 16

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"Are you sure, Ms. Montoya? Is that allowed?" Todoroki spoke up, concerned if it will cause more problems.

"Yes, I am sure. There is no problem with me telling you a story." I reassured them, "Now, like I said, even as a pro, there are times you cross the line when trying to do good."

And with that, I told them.

It was the end of a week-long investigation and mission against a group of drug dealers and villains. Everyone in the agency was tired and finding ways to destress. On my way out of the building, I noticed one of the interns was being harassed by Gemini. She was a young girl at most seventeen, she had a quirk that wasn't meant for combat, but her quirk allowed her to hack into any computer or technology we needed her to hack into. Seeing the way he harassed her, how small she was compared to him, her uncomfortable expression... it set me the wrong way because that's how he made me feel. And to top it all off, he was trying his best to physically touch her skin to use his mind control quirk on her. To make her more compliant, as he would put it.

Anger rose within me. I couldn't just let him get away with this. I couldn't let him victimize her. So I put my gloved upon his neck and used my quirk on him to take his away. Afterward, I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him off of her, throwing him to the wall.

It wasn't wrong what I did. It just went against my agency's rules and contracts.

You can not use your quirk on colleagues.

It didn't matter if he had done it numerous times. He was Gemini, the number one hero in the United States, and also my boss. So rules didn't apply to him. But no matter my status, it did still applied to me.

"So yeah, I saved a girl from being a victim of sexual assault and harassment, but it ended up biting me in the ass because it was against my agency's rules to use my quirk against a colleague. That's why I got the license suspended for a year."

"That's not right. He was doing villainy. He's not a true hero. He should've had his license revoked." Todoroki spoke out quietly.

"It might be unfair, but it's a lesson I learned the hard way that sometimes your anger can make you forget about the consequences of doing the right thing. Licensed or not. So I would highly suggest finding ways to learn how to think clearly when you are passionate, to avoid getting into trouble." I paused for a moment to look at Iida, "And maybe we should have sessions about how you were more than willing to get rid of Stain because license or not, killing isn't allowed. So don't expect me not to be a little concerned about you intentionally wanting to murder a villain." He looked shocked that I even suspected that he wanted to kill Stain, but then he thought for a moment to see that he never said that he just wanted Stain to be arrested or anything, just to be ridden of. I got up from the bed, "Alright, so I'll leave you three to talk amongst yourselves and reflect on things. I'll be speaking with the doctors that looked after you and will be calling your parents and caretakers with them."

I left the boys to their own devices as I decided to text Aizawa what was happening. No response was given. He was probably busy patrolling. As I went to call parents, Iida's mom was still in Hosu, so she could pick him up and take him home. Fuyumi was busy with her teaching job but assumed her father would take care of Shoto while he was in Hosu, so I had to leave Shoto under his dad's watch again. Who broke my heart was Inko Midoriya, she was crying over the phone, and I couldn't really do anything to stop it.

"I want him to follow his dreams, just seeing my baby get hurt over and over again is starting to really take a toll on me. And I can't be there with him. I am very lucky to say that you actually do care about your students. Izuku speaks highly of you, so thank you for that. Please, stay with him over the weekend until I can make it to the hospital. I know it might seem like you're favoriting him, but..."

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