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"Terrible schedule," Lillian explained to Daria through a mouthful of granola bar which could have been considered lunch. "First I have Intro Thaum, then Diff-EQ and then Electronics. So many three-day-a-week classes and they're all right in a row. I hate it."

"Well, at least you don't have any of your labs today," Daria pointed out, leaning back in her chair. "And you have those pretty early, they start at 9:00. I guess three classes at nine is worse than one at 7:30 but I wouldn't really know."

"You have more classes tonight," Lillian reminded her. "I don't, which is kind of nice. Only one o'clock and my day is over."

"That is nice," Daria mused. "But you still have homework."

"Yeah." Lillian wilted. "I do still have homework." She pulled a sheet of paper out of her backpack and began working on her first problem for her Diff-EQ class.

"So this weird guy came by this morning while you were at Anthro."


"No idea."

"What did he say?" Daria asked, interested.

"Something stupid that sounded like it was prewritten. Probably a salesman or something. I told him that I didn't want to buy any vacuum cleaners."

Daria nodded, slightly impressed. "Wonder what he was selling in a dorm."

"Probably food or something. No idea," Lillian repeated as Daria also repeated her nod.

"Still struggling with thaum?" Daria changed the subject.

"Yeah, but I set up an appointment with Kern."


"In a month."

"What? You shouldn't wait that long! Amandi's going to torment you in that lab!"

Lillian shrugged and smiled grimly. "It's what worked with his schedule. Can't change it now. Besides, I'll probably be fine. I'm partnered with Brandon."

Daria considered a minute. "Yeah, you'll be okay. Just hang in there, all right?"

Lillian nodded. "Okay," she confirmed. "I'll be okay."


Dakota was busy ordering a large mirror online when the voice came back.

What are you doing?

"Getting ready for the appointment."

You said it wasn't for a month.

"Yeah, I know, but just in case this arrives late-"

It won't. You're too prepared now.

"Fine," Dakota scowled, cancelling his order. "What are you bothering me about?"

I don't know, the voice responded with a hint of sarcasm. Maybe your machine will tell you.

"Fine," he repeated, walking over to his file cabinet and reaching into his pocket. His hand came out empty. He tried his other pockets; still no luck. Walking over to his desk, he swept piles of papers away, but still couldn't find what he was searching for. He swore, sitting down at his desk and putting his hands over his face. Looking up, he came to a realization.

"She has it."


The phone in the DIAO secretarial office was ringing incessantly. Diane had not picked it up on the first ring; she didn't recognize the number. But now that whoever it was had called three times, she felt obliged to answer.

The Unskillful ThaumaturgeWhere stories live. Discover now