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Harry crept up the stairs along with Hermione and the rest of the Weasley children. He tried to take one last glimpse into the kitchen on his ascent, but the door was already closed. Ron began pushing him up the stairs until they had entered their bedroom. The room was filled with everyone who had been kicked out the dinning room. On Ron's bed sat Ginny and Hermione who were whispering among themselves. Harry's bed was occupied by the twins and Ron, who were uncharacteristically waiting patiently.

The girls stoped whispering as Harry leaned against the wardrobe where Ron liked to hide his Playwitch magazines. "Well that was interesting," smirked Fred.

"I've never seen Mum stop talking so fast before," added Ginny.

"Who do you think she is?" asked Ron in a dreamy trance.

The entire room was buzzing with questions, but Harry hadn't heard a single one. He was too busy thinking about the mysterious girl. He had been engaging in cheerful conversation with Sirius about his days at Hogwarts when she entered into the dining room with the assistance of Professor Lupin. It wasn't the blood caked onto her clothing and skin that Harry noticed first, but rather the goofy grin the spread across her face as she stumbled over her feet. When Harry met her gaze, he was pierced by her stormy grey eyes. The sight made Harry's heart pound and he could feel an unusual sensation in his stomach. His heart was still pounding as he stood in his room, deep in thought.

However those thoughts were soon interrupted by Ron, "What'd you think, Harry? Do you think this is an Order thing?"

"Well of course it's an 'Order thing', Ron. The question is how is she involved... she looks rather young." Hermione responded with her usual voice of reason. Harry nodded in agreement. He abstained from contributing to the conversation, he still felt if he opened his mouth he might not able able to from coherent sentences.

"Well I hope she's sticking around, if you know what I mean," Fred interjected while nudging his twin. Ron nodded in agreement and the girls scoffed.

"You must be joking," Hermione shot back. "This poor girl looks like she can barely stand alone, not to mention covered in dirt and blood, and all your shallow minds can think about is how pretty she is?!"

The three boys looked at each other with mischievous grins plastered across each of their faces, then they turned back to Hermione and Ginny. "Yes," they concluded in unison.

"Boys," Hermione scoffed. Harry watched as Hermione stood in annoyance and grabbed Ginny's hand, pulling her out of the room.

"Well Harry, you're being quite quiet. I suppose you agree then?" George asked while raising his left eyebrow. Harry never got the chance to answer George due to Mrs. Weasley's sudden appearance outside their door. She was carrying bandages and a small bottle in each hand. The twins shot out of Ron's bed at the sight of their mother. She quickly demanded the four boys go to bed, reminding them in the process that if they did not listen she would make sure there were no presents waiting for them in the morning. Harry chuckled as the twins ran past him and up the stairs to their bedroom.

Not soon after, Ron and Harry were laying in the beds. Only once Ron turned off the light and Harry's eyes began to close could Harry feel his heart rate finally begin to slow.


The next morning Harry awoke and found a pile of presents at the foot of his bed. A smile spread across Harry's face as he grabbed the first one. He ripped open the paper and inside was a set of books called Defensive Magic and it's use Against the Dark Arts from Sirius and Professor Lupin. Inside it listed different defensive spells along with a helpful drawing for each one showing the reader how to perform them. It was the perfect gift.

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