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Chapter four,

Chapter four,                             Hogsmeades;

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C h e r y l •

I got dressed and wore a black crop top with a slit white skirt, after that mild sex with Draco in the hot steamy shower, I began to feel guilty only because Mattheo and me had
Something arrange for my family to know.
And ofcourse I really love him, maybe I was just horny that time with Draco and it was a one time thing. I'll just forget what happened and never talk about it.
              I hurried down stairs and saw Draco and Mattheo eating toast with jam and coffee, I didn't want to ruin anything with Theo so when I got to the dining table I sat down in front of Mattheo and avoided any contact with Draco. "Morning Theo" I say putting a smile up my face, "Morning Ce" he took a bite of his toast. "Pumpkin, you and Mattheo are going to Hogwarts next week and Draco would be starting the day after Tomorrow" Father said, flipping his burnt Pancake.
                    "Okay dad, but question. Why'd you burn your pancakes?" I asked tilting my head to my right side while Mattheo smirked, I knew Draco was starring at me and I just ignored it.
      "Oh dad by the way, me and Theo are gonna maybe head to Hogsmeades to pick up some stuff" I say grabbing my mini bag and putting it on my side while I grab my and Theo's jacket,
"Sure ok, dont forget those Chocolate frogs" my dad winks and I grab Theo's hand and we go out through the door, leaving Draco with my dad.

             "Well looks like you left the guest" he smirks as we walk through the sunset of the road to Hogmeades.

• D r a c o •

She went down for breakfast wearing a black top and white skirt with s slit. I couldn't stop starring at her as she ate her toast, she's the only girl that stood up for me from my father. Cheryl wasn't an ordinary girl, she was a brave, loving, girl.
                                 And as I finished my breakfast I offered Cheryl to give me her plate, she didn't say anything nor did anything she just told her father that she was going somewhere with Mattheo, as she grabbed his hand and they left..left me alone with her dad.

▪︎ C h e r y l ▪︎

As me and Theo got there, I never let go of his hands.
                        His scent of Vanilla and Lemon took my breath away, and we just enjoyed eating and shopping goods.
        "Oh Mattheo let's go get some Chocolate Frogs!" I tugged this arm softly as he pulls me to him and grabs my cheeks with both hands. "How can I say no to you? Your too fucking pure" he lightly kisses my forehead and I smile heading him to Honeydukes Sweetshop.
I spot the chocolate frogs and grab some out of the shelve but then I spot Toffees and Liquorice Wands.
          I look at Theo as he notices what I've spotted, "Theo please!" I give him a sly frown and tug his leather jacket as I jump slightly. "Fuck....whatever" he rolls his eyes as he grabs the Toffee and Liquorice Wands, "Thank you bb" I say and give him a peck on the lips as that happened, I pull him to the register.
                      "These and that's it" as Theo drops the Candy and Chocolate on the counter. "Okay, and don't you two look the a wonderful couple dear" she points at me and Theo and we just stay there in Shock of what she said as I turn my head to him and look back at the register.
               "Oh uhm-"
"So any Children yet?" She gives us our candy and chocolates and I look back at Mattheo as he gives me a smirk, "Yes, their in her belly mam" he winks at me and my jaw opens wide, as we leave the store.
                "Mattheo Riddle, why did you do that!" I whined as I took the Candy and Chose from his hands.
       "What do you mean? Your gonna become my wife soon" he winks once more and walks towards more stores, while I stay there thinking about what he said, that was too cute and I skip towards him with a big smile up my face.
        "Why are you smiling bb?" He asks cupping my round and small face.
"I'm just happy to be with you" I mumble, as we head back to the Manor.

Everything about Mattheo was wonderful, he didn't really show his feelings to others except me and my dad.
         Mr. Riddle never admired Theo, which got me thinking why he was nicer to me. When me and Theo were five Mattheo's parents got a divorce and I helped him through it by coming to his house daily and looking after him, playing games with him and when my mother left aswell, my dad went out to what he calls 'The Tower' to talk to my uncle.
            When my dad went there, Mattheo slept over for 2 weeks. We played games, watched tv, ate, and run around the house.
"Theo wait" I held back as he stops and turns around in front of me.
"Yes?" He lifts a brow up, I pull him closer to me and wrap my arms around his neck, as I smile looking into his eyes.
          "What's this for?" He asked hugging onto my waist tightly. "It's just a thank you for taking care of me" I chuckle as I bite my bottom lip.

"I love you Mattheo Riddle"

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