13 Special Chapter

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*Fast Forward to Christmas*

"Merry Christmas!" The close friends decided to celebrate together "Yuxin I bought you a necklace!" Anqi gave her the gift she prepared "you shouldn't have bothered" Yuxin said returning it "come on Yuxin just accept my gift for once!" She complained Yuxin just chuckled and accepted her gift "and here's mine!" She handed it "seriously? Sleeveless top and some short?" She laughed knowing her former best friend gets annoyed every time she wore these short clothes


Since I'm a nice guy and... Sharing is caring "Mr.Cai let's talk" he followed behind me "what do you want to talk about?" He coldly asked, "I know your past with Yuxin." That was straight forward. His brows furrowed "are you a stalker?" "You shouldn't have told me or I might make a way for you and Yuxin to break up," he said "first of all Cai XuKun I am not a stalker. Second Yuxin told me the whole story between you two. And third, since it's Christmas and it's the time of giving... I'm giving you a chance to win her back." I said which made him smile instantly "why don't you like her now?" He asked confused, I just sighed "it's not that. I'm just afraid of..." I stopped talking for a while "afraid of what?" He questioned "afraid of hurting her" I finally blurted out "why would you hurt her if you love her!?" He asked again "Mr.Cai... I'll do everything just to spend my remaining time with her, you know that! It's just that... I don't know, No one knows when will the time be" I replied "time?" He's still confused as fuck "I'm suffering from cancer, Mr.Cai." I finally told somebody he was shocked as I am when I first knew about my sickness "by this time I want you to lend me Yuxin first. But when the time comes I want you" I pointed at him "to take care of her" I don't know if this one is the right decision but I only want the best for her.


Hi, I'm sorry for not being able to update. I was coughing dry and I still have a cold. My fever slowly subsided so I was grateful. but I can't stop myself from sneezing. Enjoy Christmas with your family! And please wait patiently also don't forget about
Biu Biu, Gwalla, Skin, Yuyan's solo (don't hate me I know the title but I don't know how to... so Yuyan's comeback it is!), Comet, Yea, T.A.N.G, Call me by my name, and K!

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