The Talk

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After waiting for about an hour and a half Manila heard the door open.

Laganja and Adore were back, good, that's who she was waiting for. They both were silent, sitting across of Manila, ignoring her existence, Laganja was glancing at her from time to time.

"Alright, cut the bullshit, what's up Manila?" Laganja annoyingly asked, seeing how Manila didnt break eye contact with any of them. "I wanted to talk about what happened." Manila said and Adore rolled her eyes.

"Look, I'm not looking for drama, you we're drunk but please stop talking to Jaremi about it, he had nothing to do with it and I think that you coming for him about it is rather immature

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"Look, I'm not looking for drama, you we're drunk but please stop talking to Jaremi about it, he had nothing to do with it and I think that you coming for him about it is rather immature." Manila said calmly.

"I agree but she came for Adore-" "Once." Manila cut Laganja off. "You've tried to come for Jaremi multiple times and we didnt say anything about it, now I'm just asking for us to forget about this shit." #ManilaMakingItClear.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Adore apologized. "You shouldn't apologize but I guess we'll move on." Laganja said, leaving the bus and going outside.

"Thank you." Manila said. "Alright, what's up with you and Jaremi." Adore asked and Manila was confused at the sudden change of subject. "Huh?" Manila raised a brow.

"Alright, I saw the both of you making out backstage the other day." Adore said. "I- well." Manila didn't really know what to respond to that. "There's no problem with it but why don't you tell us." Adore asked. "Look, Adore, it's me and Jaremi's business, sorry if it sounds rude but we'd rather keep it private for the time being." Manila responded.

"Okay." Adore nodded. "Thanks." Manila stood up and went to the bathroom to de drag, damn was this bus big.

The next day

Karl had woken up first, he didn't understand how he ended up waking up first everytime but atleast he was at peace in the morning.

He went to drink water like every morning, he walked around silently, he liked walking and such, it kept him busy, he passed everyone, they were all sound asleep, he smiled seeing Jaremi, damn, Jaremi was adorable to him for some reason.

After about twenty minutes Jay woke up, aka the Yes Mawma girl.
Karl noticed they always woke up in a specific order most of the time but that was another topic.

"Mornin'" Jay said. "Good morning." Karl responded. "Did you sleep well?" Karl asked Jay. "I guess." Jay responded.

They both stayed silent, Karl just hoped either Jaremi or Jerick would wake up, he wanted to talk to someone, anyone except Jay, it was clear to him that they weren't friends.

Luckily for Karl, Jerick woke up, finally. They greeted each other and started talking until gradually everyone woke up, everyone except Jaremi. That annoyed Karl a little.

He must have been really tired since of you calculated how much everyone slept he would have slept atleast 11 hours. Karl stood up and went to Jaremi's bed, it was almost 12 AM so he had reason to wake him up.

Karl gently shook Jaremi, Jaremi groaned. "Wake up sleepy head." Karl giggled. "What time is it?" Jaremi asked. "Lunch time." Karl responded. "Already?" The tired Jaremi sat up and hugged Karl. "Phanila~" Jarick laughed. "I'm starting to think it's real." Jiggly said.

Jaremi pulled away from the hug after a good minute, ignoring the others comments and stood up, sitting next to Jerick, at his usual spot.

Karl sat beside him, Jaremi stretched a little. "You slept alot." Cameron pointed out. "You were sleeping when we left to go eat." Jerick added. "I was exhausted." Jaremi simply answered.

Karl frowned lightly, they still had a month left, the tour was going good but he noticed how much Jaremi's mood had changed, he was more stressed and more tense, he got annoyed easily and more, Karl had done his best to relax Jaremi but he felt stuck, not knowing what to do.

A stressed Jaremi makes a stressed Karl.

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