Back to Midgard

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Chapter One

"Heimdall," a small voice said.

"Princess," he responded not turning to look at her.

She walked and stood beside him, silently.

"Ask as you wish, Princess," he said after a few moments only to be met with her sigh.

"You know that I cannot. The All Father has forbidden it," she responded as she pulled her shawl closer around her.

"Since when has that stopped you?" he responded with a small smile.

"How are things Heimdall?" she asked with a soft smile.

"He is well. He is still adjusting after returning."

"Thank you for telling me when you saw he had returned. I mourned him long ago, but it raised hope in my heart," she responded looking down.


"Princess!" a voice said outside her chamber.

"Enter!" she responded not lifting her eyes from her book.

"Princess, I was sent most urgently. Heimdall has requested your presence at the Bifrost," the young lady said as she crossed the room to the Princess.

"Did he say what it pertained to?" the Princess responded placing her book on the table next to her.

"He did not. Only that you come post haste," the servant responded.

"Thank you. Will you please fetch my horse?"

"Right away, mi 'lady," the servant responded with a curtsy. The princess quickly grabbed her cloak and draped it around her shoulders.

"And where are you off to?" a deep voice came from behind her.

"For a Ride," she responded quickly as she crossed to the door. Ignoring the man that the voice belonged to.

She quickly crossed to the door and attempted to leave with another one. A hand quickly grabbed her arm and held on tightly.

"I would have you remember your place," the voice growled low.

"I know my place! Now release my arm!" she responded glancing up at his face as she tried to pull her arm from her grip.

"Loki!" another voice called.

"Stay out of this brother," Loki yelled back as he tightened his grip.

"Release your grip before you cause her harm," Thor said sternly as he walked up to them. "Do you want to explain to Father why Lithoniel has another bruise by your hand?"

"I will deal with you later," Loki said has he released her arm.

"He does not mean it. Sometimes I think he forgets that I fragile I have become," Lithoniel responded softly as she looked over at Thor.

"You need not defend my brother to me. Just know if I can prevent anything, I will," Thor responded with a soft smile.

"Walk me to the stables?" she asked him with a smile.

"With pleasure," Thor said as she took his arm. "Do you ever regret being with Loki?"

"Sometimes. We were betrothed so long ago. He did love me once. I fear that love has slowly turned to distrust over time. My time on Midgard did not help," she sighed as they walked through the halls.

"You don't speak of it much," Thor said softly.

"Hm?' she responded obviously lost in thought.

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