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"Jia, I really like that idea, but do you think SM and JYP would agree to this?" Bag pd looked at the young idol who was sat across from him at his office.

"Well, I am close to JYP idols so I can talk to them about it, but I am unsure about SM, my friend Na Jaemin who I recently did a collaboration with seemed to like that idea so we would just have to convince their manager..." Jia unconsciously pursed her lips while thinking, "what if the guest give a little performance? By doing so, they'd be able to promote their most recent song, and I think if we do that then they would definitely agree to coming," she offered unsurely.

Telling Bang pd to let idols from other companies promote their recent comeback was not something Jia was sure about, but she thought it would be great, "I think the contestants would benefit from seeing and learning from idols of various companies," she further explained.

Bang pd nodded, "I see... so who are the idols you have in mind?"

"Well... I was thinking of bringing idols who are known for their rapping skills? I know some of the contestants were interested in that so maybe we could organize an episode on rapping... Na Jaemin is one of NCT Dream's rappers, and he mentioned he had someone else in mind that could potentially come too," she said.

"And what about JYP? Who were you thinking of bringing?" Bang pd asked.

"Well, I was thinking about having some individuals from Stray Kids? Since I know them personally I think they would be more than glad to come."

Jia anxiously waited to hear Bang pd's answer to her idea hoping that he wouldn't react negatively.

"Let's do it! I like it! But instead of doing only rappers, let's bring idols who specialise on different things, that way if there are contestants interested to learn more about singing, dancing or rapping, then there will be an idol who can help them on it," he said, "we can also organize so that the idols perform at the beginning like you mentioned, I think that would be a great experience for the I-LANDERs!" Jia smiled brightly at the answer.

But Bang pd wasn't finished, "I actually would like for you to perform! I think it would be a great loss for the show and the audience for us not to have you show off your talents!" he laughed merrily.

Jia gasped in happiness, "Of course pd nim! I would love nothing more to perform!"

After settling some more details about the future episode and contacting the respective idols and companies, Ban pd moved on to a very important matter that he had been hoping to discuss with Jia.

"Anything I can do for you Bang pd?" Jia smiled at the older man.

"Actually yes there is!" Jia raised her eyebrows since she wasn't really expecting anything, "yes?"

"Your brother has made it aware to me that you might not renew your contract with JYP," Bang pd started the conversation with caution.

Jia averted her gaze, why had Jihoon revealed such personal information to her temporary boss? Without saying a word, she just nodded to confirm his assumption.

"I see..."

"What are your plans if you don't renew the contract?" Jia couldn't really make eye contact with Bang pd due to his intense stare.

"Umm, well... I've been working on songs for a few western artists since I wanted to promote as a lyricist and producer over in the states..." she said.

"You don't sound too confident about that," Bang pd noted, causing Jia to bite her lip with shame, "I want to promote music more globally, I'm just afraid that I will fail to do so after leaving JYP, but staying with the company isn't really getting me anywhere so I am unsure what to do," she confessed.

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