Don't underestimate me!

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Morgiana's POV:

We were having some yummy looking stew that Bofur cooked up for us and as most of us got our portion, I noticed Bofur hand two bowls to Bilbo. Raising an eyebrow at them wondering what he was doing. That was until I heard Kili and Fili's  names, I was debating of following  Bilbo but I know he will be alright with the others around....I hope. I keep glancing all around us since I keep getting a bad feeling and my gut feeling never really fails me when it comes to detecting a fight is a gonna break out soon.

And soon just like my gut was telling me, Fili and Kili were running at us yelling about trolls? But what caught my attention was that there were was supposed to be a certain hobbit with them. Right away I jumped up from where I was on the floor and just ready to run towards where Bilbo could be. Just before I could make my way towards Bilbo I was stopped by a pair of hands grabbing my shoulder in a pretty tight grip but I'm used to even harsher treatment that it felt like a little mosquito bite. I looked back with a narrowed gaze as my eye's clashed with a pair of glaring ice blue eyes.

"And may I ask where you plan on going?" Thorin demanded in a pretty much annoyed tone.

"Does it matter? I need to go help Bilbo since your nephew's abandoned him to fight by himself!" My voice came out harsher than I meant to but I couldn't  help but be mad since they just left him to his own devices. I noticed in the corner of my eye that both Fili and Kili flinched and looked guilty but that meant nothing at the moment.

"Were going to get him and you would've heard that if you weren't being busy with your head in the clouds, and you are going to stay here and watch over the camp. We don't need a women with no weapon, you would just be in the anyways?" Thorin said sternly and walked off, giving no room for argument. The others that were following Thorin gave a few glances at me with concern and pity before they vanished in the woods.

Staring into woods with a cold hard glare. My body was shaking not out of fear or worry but RAGE! How dare he! He knows nothing of what I'm capable of and what makes him think that's he's better than everyone!  I waited a bit but my gut instinct was telling me I should go. Not wasting anymore time I rushed into the woods, running fast until I heard a sound of what sounded like a bunch of metal falling to the ground. Staying quiet as I was sneaking behind the tree's to see what was going on. Let's just say my gut instincts would've told Thorin "Ha told you so!" Phrase if it could. There on the ground was a pile of tied down Dwarves and some of the other's were pretty much getting comfy being roasted as pig on fire.

I spotted Bilbo with the pile of tied dwarves and I couldn't help breath with a sigh of relief. That's when the ugly looking trolls starting talking about ways to eat the dwarves and them mentioning turning into stone when the sun rises.

"WAIT! you are making a terrible mistake!" Bilbo suddenly shouted stopping the trolls from what they were doing. What was he doing? Is he trying to buy time? I couldn't help but smile when Bilbo starting saying stuff about seasonings and when he said that Bomber had worms as well as the other dwarves, the dwarves took offense at first but than Thorin gave them a quick look than they all had a worm size competition.

I couldn't hold it any longer, even though I was gonna save them sooner but the conversations that they were having was a bit to amusing to not listen to but I couldn't stop the laughter that I was holding in for so long.

" HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!" My laughter ran throughout the woods causing everyone and thing to come to a halt. The trolls were looking around trying to find the source while the dwarves were tense since they weren't really sure who it was.

"Ye guys hearing that too?" The smaller troll said looking around frantically,

"Of course we heard it, stupid!" The more aggressive troll smack the head of the smaller one.

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