𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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A cloaked figure dashed through the tunnels that ran throughout

the palace. Their cloak flowing in the wind behind them. The humid air around them collects on the skin between their brows. The rich glossy magenta fabric leaked out through the grey wool of the cloak. The walls of the tunnel started to broaden, light seeping through the cracks of the door up ahead. The door flew open, letting a large ray of light flooded the tunnels. A tall silhouette of a man stood in between where the door once was.

"Gah! Why is it so bright," the cloaked figure squeaked, covering their eyes with an arm. The silhouette stepped into the light, a mischievous grin shining on his face. His dark brown hair, patched with splashes of black dirt that followed around his body. His pale yellow Kurta littered with splotches of black charcoal and oil.

"Oh c'mon, Princess. Do not be so dramatic," the elvish grin shined as he held his hand forward. His bronze hand filled with calluses, being accepted by the dainty hands of the cloaked princess.

"Watch your tone with me, Haider," The cloaked figure huffed, "I am still your superior." Haider rolled his eyes.

"Well, then why is my superior still wearing a hood," he spoke, humour dancing in his eyes. The figure threw the hood up letting her deep black hair roll out onto her back in waves. Her eyes a deep mocha that looked as if there were a plethora of secrets locked behind the gates of her pupils.

"Princess, you do know people are going to recognize you if you are wearing that?" Haider questioned, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh, please. Haider did you not bring the shalwar?" she rolled her eyes, already exhausted with Haider.

"Do not worry so much, Adika. I already have Zahrah bringing it, she will meet us at the gates." Haider gripped onto Adika's hand and dragged her through the door and emerged out into an alcove filled with old tattered books. The walls were an old rusted gold, hidden at the very back of the library. A little round table was in the centre of the room, but what was strange was that there was a bunch of books stacked up in the middle with a bit of fabric popping up from behind the table.

"Zahrah. Please tell me you brought the clothes?" The head peaked up from behind the book she was reading. Her pale brown nose adorned with a simple gold ring. She shoved a brown sack across the table and proceeded to put her sandals up onto the desk.

"You need to invest in your own clothes. I cannot keep giving you mine so that you can go on your little adventures," Zahrah said, continuing to read.

"You are a life-saver," Adika expressed with relief, taking the deep mustard shalwar from the bag.

"As long as you make sure I do not lose my job," she shrugged, "but you should get your own clothes if you are going do this so often." Adika let out a tiny laugh. She looked toward Haider and gestured to him to turn around.

"Uh. Haider, could you turn around please?" Haider's eyes narrowed in confusion. Then suddenly it clicked and his eyes widened as if it were a balloon.

"Oh. Oh, right," he turned around with his hands over his eyes. Adika quickly pulled off the magenta lehenga skirt and quickly put on the dull blue pants. She quickly pinned the elastic of the pants and then pulled a shalwar on top of it.

"You look like a commoner," Zahrah chuckled. She was right of course, Adika looked like she would fit right in with the castle staff. Haider turned back around and chuckled.

"I do not think I will ever get used to you looking poor, Princess." Adika sent him a pathetic look.

"Well you should be used to it, you look at yourself in the mirror every day and knowing you it would be multiple times a day."

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