𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 9

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AN/- Ooh, my first author's note of the book. Sorry, this is a short one, originally this was going to be in the eighth chapter but it ended up already exceeding its word count.

"Zahrah, dearest," the new voice said, "You haven't visited me in a while." The voice belonged to a mid-sized man, that stood between the piles of books.

"Sorry, work was piling up. I just didn't get enough time to come visit," Zahrah said, going to give the man a hug, "But it's great to see you dad."

From inside the room, Jai let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. No wonder she pushed him in. It was considered taboo for a woman to be left alone with a man who was not related to her by blood and law.

"Well, I couldn't leave my daughter alone on her birthday," He chuckled, "How 'bout us and your mother go out for dinner?"

"Are you sure we could afford it?" Zahrah asked letting go of her father, "Neither of our jobs pay enough for that."

"That is where you are wrong, dearest daughter," her father sang, "I have been saving up for years for this. You are officially an adult now, and I can no longer call you my little girl." He went to hug her again.

"No need to get emotional now. You worried about this when I first got this job..."

"And you've been getting further away from us."

"Hey, look on the bright side. You can start finding me a husband?" She cringed.

"That doesn't help! How is that the bright side?" He wailed.

"Well, it's a bright side for mom..."

↣↣ ⇼ ↢↢

Jai had been waiting inside of her room for a while. By a while, he means at least 30 minutes. He had entertained himself by reading his book. It was getting interesting now, Jai found out that the romance was starting to grow on him. To him, however, it exceeded the fight scenes by far. He found it annoying how they didn't include scenes of them training and even then the fight sequences after came out of nowhere. It was like they suddenly got the skills to overthrow their opponent. Jai had to laugh, it was ridiculous, the moves themselves wouldn't have worked in the battlegrounds and he should know, he had seen some ridiculous shit in the battlefield.

The door creaked open, Jai's head popped up out of his boo to see Zahrah walk back into the room.

"You took your time?" Jai said slamming his book close.

"Well, it took some time to finish that conversation. You know how dads get." She leaned back onto the wall.

"I don't actually," he said getting off the bed, "But if the conversations are that long, then no thank you."

"Oh," Zahrah said awkwardly, regretting it immediately.

"Before you end up apologizing it's fine," he booped her nose, "Also do you have anything long."

"What?" Zahrah questioned. Jai had started examining the walls until two brooms came into view.

"These should do fine," he examined the broom handles and tossed one over to Zahrah. She clumsily dropped it onto the floor.

"Fine for what? You're not giving me any answers." Zahrah huffed picking up the broom. Jai swung the broom under Zahrahs feet, causing her to fall.

"Well to train of course," Jai lent a hand to Zahrah, "I did tell you that I was going to train you. C'mon, take my hand. I'm sorry I did that without warning. It was a dirty move."

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