𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8

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T.W//- Suicide mentioned.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Adika exclaimed, horrified. She had been revived from her former stupor. After the first frame of shock, she had been frozen in place from the magic.

"I think you know exactly what that was," Laia said entering the tunnel, "C'mon we need to go in."

"So, you're just going to brush past that?" Adika was flabbergasted, she swung her head towards Eden, "Eden? What was that?"

Edens body tensed, her hands were somewhat occupied with her hair. Adika knew those signs. She was anxious, whatever it was that they were hiding. It was probably a long-hidden one. Adika decided to let it go...for now. Adika knew how horrid the feeling of anxiety was when she had been battling its crushing sensation all her life. Dutifully she should have decided to drag them both to her father. Magic wasn't supposed to exist, and even then magic could be a danger to the kingdom. However Laia was calm, she didn't seem to care that she had just outed herself as some form of sorceress. Laia had been overly cautious when Adika had first met her. More on the idea of Adika even coming in. Adika had always thought that Laia had a weird feeling about her. She had first believed it was because of the mistrust and off behaviour to her discovery. Now Adika paid more attention towards Laia's outer appearance. There was something off about her hair. She had originally thought that they were pure black, but the sunlight had given it a more midnight blue sheen. Adika's eyes widened. No, she thought to herself, that couldn't possibly be a sorcerer's mark. Adika had loved the myths and legends of her kingdom. She had been drawn to the tales of sorcerers. Sorcerers had been the wise companion in those legends, they tended to betray the heroes in the end. But that was what made them so interesting to Adika. Their magic system was intricate alongside their loyalty to their people. When Adika was younger, she had always wished that she had magic. The reality of magic that now struck Adika, had reminded her of all these memories which she had locked up simply to focus more on the political landscape for becoming the heir, or the future babymaker if her father got her way. Adika snapped herself out of her thought landfill.

"It's fine, but I'll need an answer from you guys soon," Adika brushed past Laia into the tunnel, truly hoping she didn't make the wrong choice.

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Jai was walking down the hall of the servants quarters, which were situated next to the boiler room. He was still in his training clothes, and they were drenched in filth. It wasn't the best thing to be wearing when you were going to strike up a conversation with a girl. There were some who would say otherwise. Zayn especially. If Jai had a coin every time he had seen him flirting with innocent girls after or during training, he would be rich enough to buy a mansion and take Zahrah on a date. Like he would ever have the guts to ask her out, Jai thought looking at the names on the doors as he passed by, skimming for Zahrah's name. Though Jai has been in battles in the army before, asking someone out was a horrifying feat for him. His reputation for being a flirt couldn't have been further from the truth. Jai knows he has no game, but that doesn't mean he was going to try with Zahrah. There was just something about her, cliche Jai knows.

Jai shook his head, that book was getting to him. She should have given him a word of warning. There was quite a bit of romance in it. Did she really think he was the romantic type? Jai winced, if his guards got word of this he would never live it down. It was a good book, don't get him wrong. He actually enjoyed it, he just wondered what Zahrha was thinking when she gave him the book. Jai cringed, thinking back towards a few scenes in particular. Were these the types of books Zahrah read on the daily? But what if she was trying to send a hint, or nudge him in the right direction. Jai shook his head, he was just overthinking it or was he. Ugh, he wasn't used to romance. Hell, he had never even had a crush before. Romance was a foreign concept to him. This was the reason why none of his friends ever did ask him about flings when they were going on about their latest sexual conquests. Though romance and flings could easily be separated, Jai couldn't do that. He couldn't bring himself to lead on women whose reputation could be defiled if they were ever found out. Jai couldn't do it, especially since his mother had the same treatment.

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