𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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"Now put your hands behind your head and turn around slowly," the voice behind him jeered. Haider turned around steadily bringing his hands to his neck. The pointed tip of the sword grazed Haider lightly as he turned around to see a boy-no he looks older than that. A teenager, who looked barely and adult, with vicarious curls tied back in a ponytail.

I could totally take him.

"Dude, you like you have a little bunny tail at the back of your head," Haider quaffed. The guards faced shifted from the scowl he had been wearing to a look of utter disbelief. He quickly hid his shock and reached and tugged him forward. Haider's eyes enlarged as his torso was headed towards the sword. He was jerked last minute to the side of the guard. His hand was wrapped around Haider's shoulders.

"Do not make any sudden moves or I will slit your throat right where you stand," the guard whispered hoarsely into his ear.

"If you wanted to hold me, you could have simply said," Haider muttered back, winking. The guard was outraged, his mouth lopsided and his eyebrows shot up.

"Why are you like this? I am threatening you right now," The guard said pissed out of his mind, "How do you not get that?"

"I am sorry. I simply cannot take you seriously with that bunny tail on your head," Haider burst out laughing. He keeled onto himself, grabbing the guard's stomach and bringing him down with him. The guard fell with a thud onto the floor, due to the lack of balance and surprise. Haider's hand slipped into the guards and plucked the sword out of his hand and held it up to the guard's neck when he spun him around and pinned him onto the floor.

"Now, you and I are going to have a civil conversation," Haider growled, inching the sword into the base of his neck. The guard shifted, trying to get out of his circumstance. The blade nicked a bit of skin and a trickle of blood sat at the neck, proceeding to slide down the sides.

"You have skills, boy," the guard muttered, "but I highly doubt your family will by the time I get through with them."

Haider's eyes widened. He jabbed the sword further into the next causing more blood to ooze out.

"You sure are a fool. Threatening my family while I have a blade to your neck." The guard laughed.

"As if you would boy. You are too soft to try and slay me. You may act like it on the outside but I highly doubt you could when it comes to the nitty-gritty."

Haider's hair was a mess and he looked around the hall, no one had come in and out since he had pinned him to the ground.

"Oh and little boy. I'm not the only one in these halls. If you do end up building the courage to kill me," the guard looked him straight in the eyes, "They will come for you. If you tell anyone what you heard, your family will mysteriously vanish, and be found hanging in the rainforests around us."

Haider thought about it. There had to be more than one guard who was in on this plan. If he were to kill him then his life would go to shit.

"You are very lucky, that I happen to care about my life," Haider let out as he took the blade from his neck and kept it within stabbing distance, "Now I need you to go back, wherever you came from."

The guard walked out of the hallway and turned left into the other corridor. Haider counted the steps as they disappeared into white noise. He momentarily collapsed onto the stone floor. He slumped his back onto the wall, with fear in his eyes. His hands shook and the sword dropped with a clang beside him. The bloodstains blended into the maroon of his pants, but his kurta was not saved. The red streaks stood out against the pale yellow fabric of his pants. Haider inhaled the metallic stinge of the blood.

Dawn of Blood and MagicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora