Chapter 5

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Adderstar yawned from his den as ThunderClan patrol came into camp. "Beechnose, did you find any prey?" He asked his deputy. He nodded. His apprentice brought a lot of prey and placed it in the fresh-kill pile. Adderstar had a satisfied look on his face. "Great job, ThunderClan, you may all rest for the night," he meowed. "Hey Beechnose, can we learn some tricks tomorrow at sunhigh?" Stagpaw asked him. "You have to wait until tomorrow," Beechnose said. "Now get some rest and you will have a lot of energy hearing birdsong."
Stagpaw's tail wagged around with excitement. "Hey Stagpaw," Rainpaw meowed at him. "What are you excited for?" Stagpaw purred, "I'm going to learn some battle move tomorrow at sunhigh with the deputy." Rainpaw chuckled at him. "Well have fun," he mewed.


Beechnose yawned hearing the sound of birdsong in the air. "Are you coming?" Adderstar asked him. He nodded, "Yes I am." Stagpaw was still asleep in his nest until something was licking his ears. "Stagpaw, wake up, it's time to practice some battle moves," Beechnose whispered. Stagpaw's eyes began to open. "Battle moves?" he said while stretching. He nodded. The apprentice purred. "Beechnose, Mudthroat, Sootblaze, Stormflight, and Dapplebriar, you will go to clearing to find out if ShadowClan was on our territory. Make sure you mark the spots too," Adderstar announced on the highrock. "Yes, Adderstar. Alright you heard what the leader said, let's go," Beechnose meowed.

Mudthroat looked at Stagpaw. The apprentice stood behind the deputy. "Sorry Stagpaw, I didn't mean to scare you," Mudthroat dipped his head. "It's okay, " he mewed. "I've just never been out of camp before. It's nerve-racking." Stagpaw could understand him. "Mudthroat, I felt the same way as I came out of camp too. After a few moons, I got used to it," Stagpaw meowed.
Beechnose lifted his tail up. Mudthroat saw a ShadowClan cat in the clearing. "Rats! It's a patrol!" Stormflight hissed quietly to Beechnose. Dapplebriar snarled with her claws unsheathed. "Stand down, Dapplebriar, we don't want to get caught or else we're crowfood!" He whispered to her. The big ShadowClan cat scented a patrol. "I sense a ThunderClan patrol in the clearing," the big tom said to the deputy.

"Retreat ThunderClan Retreat!" Beechnose whispered to his clanmates. Dapplebriar and Stormflight retreated except for Mudthroat. "What are you doing? I told you to retreat!" Beechnose snapped. Mudthroat unsheathing his claws. "I will fight to defend ThunderClan!" he snarled. Stagpaw had a worried look on his face. Mudthroat emerged from the bushes. The deputy of ShadowClan saw Mudthroat on the clearing. "Get off of our territory!" He hissed at the patrol. Beechnose ordered Dapplebriar and Stormflight to come back. "Mudthroat! That's enough!" Beechnose snapped at him. The ThunderClan patrol emerged from the bushes.

Mintpelt snarled at Beechnose. "What is the meaning of this?" She challenged him. "This is a misunderstanding, we didn't mean to interfere with your patrol," Beechnose dipped his head with respect. Mudthroat sheathed his claws. "Sorry, miss," he whimpered. The deputy of ShadowClan snorted. "It's fine." Mudthroat's eyes narrowed in fear. "Now I see why we don't attack ShadowClan's patrol!" He whispered to Beechnose. "Because of that muscular dark gray tom." Mintpelt looked confused. "You mean Witherstorm?" Mudthroat twitched his nose. "Who is that?" Witherstorm padded towards Mudthroat. "I'm the strongest warrior in ShadowClan," he mewed. Cobratail agreed with him. "He is mostly feared by all of the Clans." Mudthroat felt his fur prickle up.

"What's his problem?" Witherstorm asked Cobratail. "I dunno." Beechnose saw one of warriors with their claws unsheathing. Hawkswoop snarled at Dapplebriar.
"Hawkswoop! Stand down! We are not in any threat," Mintpelt snapped. He refused to listen to her. Hawkswoop threw himself at Dapplebriar. Mudthroat snarled at the ShadowClan warrior. "Get off of her!" He hissed. Hawkswoop got off of the ThunderClan warrior. "Worthless mousebrained warriors!" He hissed to himself.

Dapplebriar got up from the grass. Mintpelt growled at Hawkswoop, "What do you have to say for yourself?"
The dark brown tom with ice-blue eyes muttered. "Sorry," he snorted.

"Beechnose, my apologizes. I'll send someone else on patrol next time," Mintpelt meowed.
Hawkswoop showed his teeth to the ThunderClan patrol.

Beechnose looked at his clanmates. "Come on, let's go back to camp," he meowed. "I will discuss this with the leader." Stagpaw's ear dropped. "You okay?" Mudthroat asked him. His ears when up. "Yeah I'm okay," he mewed. Stagpaw sighed. "I know you are scared to attack that strong ShadowClan warrior but you will be strong enough to take him on or even defeat him." Mudthroat purred. "You are right, Stagpaw, I must train harder in order to become the strongest warrior in ThunderClan!"

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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Fading Sun: Warriors: Sun and Moon Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें