Chapter 1

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Ariana helped her blonde cousin bring in his luggage as he typed away on his phone. He was a six footer with very broad shoulders and a pink scar over his left eye. His features were defined like a two-edged sword. Stan wore a pair of blue ripped jeans with a white shirt under a black leather jacket. He combed majority of his thick hair to one side which made it look like he styled it.

"I'm so glad your parents let me stay here this year. You know I don't like my mom," he commented when he finally lifted his head from his phone.

"At least she doesn't make you go shopping for ceaseless things of which most will be thrown away on January 15," she replied. "By the way, why did you pack like you're spending eternity with me?"

Stan laughed. "I packed fun stuff for you. You know, you're like my baby sister."

"I'm sixteen."

"And I'm nineteen baby girl," came the reply.


"So when are your friends coming?" Stan asked as soon as she dropped the call to one of her best friends, Kristen. The two cousins were sitting in the well spacious well lit living room of the Varner family munching potato chips.

"This evening."

"Okay, then. I'll be out with my own friends at the club." He made to stand up.

"No, don't go yet," Ariana said. "We need to plan the holiday and how you're going to give my parents the impression of being strict with me."

He sighed. "Why didn't you bring this up earlier?"

"Because you spent donkey years in the shower."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, little sis. What do you want us to talk about?"

"This is the second time you're asking that but nevermind." Ariana went into the kitchen to get more potato chips. "I know you can never stay in this house for up to a day so I already have the impression that I'll be living here alone, but with your belongings taking all the space."

At the last part, Stan stuck his tongue out at her. They both laughed at that. "Okay, okay," Stan began. "First of all, I can't be here day and night. That's not cool."

"You'll be leaving at night," Ariana finished for him.

"Cool, but what if your parents call?" he asked.

"I'll tell them that you're sleeping, you know, you're always studying so you sleep early." They sat and stared at each other for awhile before bursting out in a fit of laughter.

"That's the best joke I've heard all day. Only your parents would believe that kind of lie," Stan said when he managed to compose himself.

"I know, right," Ariana replied. "So we've agreed that you'll be here in the day but will leave in the night. That's settled. You can go now."

"Okay, then kiddo. But please, if you need anything irrespective of where I am, give me a call, okay?"


She saw him off to the door and went to her room to rest a little.

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