Knowing her

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David's POV:

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David's POV:

"Hey Anamika.", I called to which she just saw towards me, and without saying a word she left.

Looking at this, I thought to myself, "What kind of girl she is? She is not even saying a Hi. I mean, I don't look that bad." saying this to myself, I went inside my house.

I got freshen up and went in my room. As I was just looking out of the window, I saw her peeping from her window towards mine. It took me few seconds to notice it was her. Just when she saw I was looking at her, she closed the curtains of her window and went inside.

I felt it was really strange for her to do that like she didn't even responded me with a hi but is peeping in my room.

"Child, the dinner is ready." granny shouted. "Yes, granny coming" I replied and left my room to get my dinner.

As I went down, I saw all our family was there. Grandpa, Granny and my younger brother. I went and sat near my younger brother.

"Hey bro, how was you day?" my younger brother inquired to which I answered, "It was okay, not that good and not that bad." Before I could say or ask anything else, my granny came to us and told to eat silently, since talking while eating is bad. I completed my dinner and went to sleep.

Next day as usual I went to school and had my usual routine done, when I was coming back home in the bus I saw Anamika was staring towards me. But then I remembered the last day, and I ignored her there on the bus. The bus reached our home destination, and we both got down from the bus.

I was going towards my home when I heard a voice saying, "Hey wait." I turned towards the direction from where the voice came, it was Anamika she called me, it shocked me so I replied, "Hey, say."

"Actually, your bag chain is open, the book might fall down." she added.

"Oh thanks, I didn't see it, but that's the only thing you wanted to say?" I asked to which she said, "No actually I wanted to say sorry about yesterday I know it was not right." she apologized.

"No, it's fine, so can we talk now if you don't mind?" I suggested to which she reacted, "Yes." and we started talking.

I requested her, "Would you like to go for a coffee with me?" but just when she was about to answer, the weird lady from her house called her.

"I'll let you know." she responded and went in her house. I also went to my house and was waiting for the next day to arrive to get her answer. And it did.

The next day I searched for her in our school, but I wasn't able to find. The entire day went by in searching her, I thought maybe she didn't come today. So I was about to leave when I saw her.

"Hey, Anamika." I called her, but she didn't respond and left.

"Hey where are you going? You haven't given me your answer." I called her loudly.

"Ok fine tomorrow at New Street café sharp at 10 am, now just stop following me." she responded to me and started walked again.

"Ok done I'll be waiting for you." I cheered with a big grin on my face.

The next morning arrived, and I got ready to go. While I was about to go, my Brother Alex stopped me and inquired, "Where are you going? And why are you dressed like this?"

"What do you mean by dressed like this? Is it not good?" I asked back.

"Oh No actually its perfect, but from when did you started getting ready this much. What's the matter, bro?" Alex claimed in a teasing way.

"It's nothing what you think, I am getting late I'll talk to you later." I answered and ran outside the house thinking to myself thank god I escaped Alex. I know he would have made me open my mouth about Anamika if I would have stay anymore longer.

I reached New Street café at exactly 10 am and saw her sitting on a chair; I went near her. "Can I sit here?" I asked.

"Sure, I have booked the table." she responded.

"Oh No I was just asking whether you are comfortable." I reacted with a hesitating smile.

I ordered coffee for both for us. "It is a pleasant weather today, don't you think so?" I asked.

"Ya it is." she acknowledged with a smile. Looking at her smile I thought to myself how beautiful she is why would anyone not fall for her?

"Why did you ask me for coffee?" she inquired.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry I got distracted. Actually, I just wanted to meet you and spend some time with you in person." I answered.

"I enjoy spending time alone." she stated with a calm voice.

"Oh, me too, but you know we should not spend time alone for long it's also not good for health." I retorted with a weird smile on face, thinking what stupid things I just said.

To remove the awkwardness I again asked her, "Why is this café so empty? I mean, there are only us and a weird guy looking at us." I added laughing.

"We should go from here. I'll talk to you someday else, but right now we should go. I have paid the bill already, let's go." she responded with a fear on her face which she tried to hide.

"Hey what happened? Why are you panicking? Did I say something wrong? Please tell me." I asked her curiously.

"We don't have time for this let's go. I'll explain everything on the way back but we have to go now from here." she suggested.

Now I saw more fear on her face, as if she saw something which was scaring her. I wasn't getting good vibes, so I requested her again, "Hey tell me, what's the issue? Is anyone trying to hurt you? Is he here? See, don't worry and do not fear I'm with you. Wait, I'll call my friends, you just tell me who is trying to hurt you we will look after him." I suggested, holding her hands in mine.

"Listen, don't call anyone you don't need too and no one is trying to hurt me but just let's go from here." she spoke with her breaking voice.

"I know there is something wrong. Look at you, your voice is breaking and your sweating too, as if you fear someone." before I could say something else, someone hits me on my head.

My vision got blur, and I heard Anamika saying, "Don't do anything to him." but before I could hear anything else I got blanked out.

I opened my eyes after sometime and found myself in a car full of some mysterious people. They were equipped with guns and were looking very dangerous. "Where am I? Who are you guys? Where is Anamika?" I inquired in a low voice, trying to get back my complete sense.

"You don't worry about her, but surely worry about yourself." one person from them mentioned, and they all started laughing at me. I tried to move and free myself, seeing this one of them hits me again and soon I got blanked out again.

What do you think, who might have kidnapped David?

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