The Kidnapping

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Anamika POV:

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Anamika POV:

"Hey where are you taking him? Leave him." I (Anamika) shouted.

"Hey girl, calm down and don't come between us. Master had sent us to get him." one of them replied.

"I want to talk to Master now. Tell him Anamika wants to talk to him or else I'll not let you guys take him from here." I stated firmly.

"Ok, talk to him, I have called him." saying this, they handed me the call.

"Hello Anamika here." I uttered .

"Hello Anamika your Master speaking." a voice come from the phone.

"Hey leave him. Why are you doing this? It's not right. Whatever it is, it's between us. Don't drag him in this." I answered requesting him to leave us.

"You have no other option you know that very well Anamika. Think it as your destiny." saying this Master cuts the call.

One of the person took the phone from my hand even before I could process what just master said. How can it be my destiny? I was thinking just when I saw them taking David with them in the car. I tried stopping them but was unable too.

I went home and went straight in my bedroom. I wasn't able to think of anything else but David. What would they do to him? Just when I was thinking this I got a call on my cellphone. It was an unknown number. I picked the call, "How's my Anamika doing?" I heard a voice.

"Who is this?" I asked curiously.

"Your Master." he replied. "What you want now?" I questioned, trying to hold myself from breaking.

"Let's not talk about what I want? Let's talk about what you want?" he spoke in a calm voice.

"What do you mean?" I inquired. "Do you want to save David?" he proposed.

"Yes." I replied without wasting a single second. "Ok then let's play a game." he responded chuckling.

"What game?" I grilled him curiously.

"All you have to do is go to Alex, David's brother, and tell him everything which has happened. Then you both have to search David. I will give you some riddles and you have to solve them. So if you searched him soon you will find him alive but if you don't....."

"But what?" I interrogated nervously.

"But if you don't, you will find him dead." he announced, and before I could respond he disconnected the call.

That night was the worst night for me. It was like a nightmare I am living. As soon as sunrise, I went to meet Alex. He was standing with David's friends; I guessed he was searching for his brother. I went to him and inquired, "Hey you are Alex right?"

"Yes, why? By the way you are Anamika, right? Thank god I found you here only, I was going to come to your house. Actually, my Brother David went missing from yesterday. I asked his friends, but he was not with them, nor they know where he is or might be. Do you know where he is?" Alex asked me.

"Hey, I need you to come with me." I told him.

"Why, what happened? Do you know where he is? If you know, please tell me." Alex questioned with a hope of getting answers of where his brother might be.

"Listen, you need to come with me. I can't tell you everything here right now. If you want to know where your brother is...." I answered.

"What you know about him? What has happened with him? Please tell me I want to know." he started asking with fear in his eyes.

"I can't say everything here at this place come with me." I replied while holding his hand and took him with me in a place where no one was present.

"Listen, if you won't say where he is, I'll call the cops." he stated, to which I replied, "Don't call the cops. You will put his life in more danger."

"Then what should I do? I can't let him be in danger, he is my family.", he added screaming.

"Hey, I have a way to get to your brother as soon as possible. Just trust me." I suggested, taking his hands in mine.

"Ok, I'll trust you, just take me where my brother is." he countered. I told him all the things which happened with David yesterday and we decided to find him together.

When Anamika and Riyaz were waiting for the message, Alex asked Anamika, "You told me everything but not about how you know that master?"

"It's a different story and I'm not allowed to say it." I murmured.

"Why are you not allowed to say?" Alex inquired to which I replied, "It's not the time we discuss all this, also why your brother's friends coming towards us?"

Alex turned to see who was coming and saw Stefan, Rohan and Alaric coming towards them. Alaric called Alex and investigated, "Do you found David? and what are you guys doing here?"

Alex was about to tell them what has happened when I hold his hand and stopped him from saying to which Alex told me, "It would be difficult for both of us to find David alone and he is there close friend too so they have the right to know about him. Also, master didn't tell you to not tell things to his friends."

Listening to this, I left Alex's hand, and he told David's friend everything about what had happened and how some people kidnapped his brother. When Alaric and his friends got to know about this, they agreed to help Alex in any way possible. Now all of them were waiting for Master to send them some clue when my phone rings.

When I check it, I saw that I got a message from some unknown number. Without wasting a single second, I opened the message. This is how the message was, which I read out loud in front of David's brother and his friends.

Hello Anamika, I know you might be waiting for my message, not only you but David's brother and his friends too. So this is a Riddle which you have to solve to get to the place or close to the place were your Dear brother and friend David is.

Near the water,
Below the trees,
Where everyone is dead,
But no one bleeds.

---- Master.

What do you think, what place it might be?
Let me know your answers in comment's.

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