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Becca's P.O.V.

"And the one down there is Logan, Logan Paul" my eyes widen and I drop the glass in my hand. It shatters everywhere.


"Kill yourself"

is what I heard as I walked down the halls and everyone stared at me. What did I do to deserve this cruelty? I walk up to Ashley one of my closest friends and she looks around at everyone staring as she closes her locker to face me.

"Ashley what's happening?" I ask with a worried tone.

"Burn in hell" she tells me and stomps off with Lindsey and Becky. Oh my god. What just happened !? tears burn at my eyes

I walk all the way upstairs not caring if I was late or not.

I see Logan surrounded by a group of boys they all look at me and bite their lips. What is happening? The girls hate me but the guys can't get their eyes off of me.

"Logan is this about last night?" I ask. I rejected him and he stormed off.

"Yeah... get out of here tramp" he says to me and I stare at him with shock and disgust. The tears storm down my cheeks.

"This is over!" I bark

"Whatever you were just a fuck buddy, there are plenty more!"

Flashback Over:

I pry my eyes off the disgusting sight and focus on the glass.

"I'm so sorry Jacob" I apologize and help clean up the glass.

"It's alright becca" he assures.

"Matt can you take me home?" I ask and he nods.

I don't look Logan back in the eye but I can feel his smirk.

We walk to his car in silence even though I know he is going to ask me what the hell happened when we get in.

I sit down and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. He sits down next to me and I know he is staring at me though I'm ignoring eye contact.

"Becca?" he asks and I sigh and look up at him.

"I forgot my phone in Jacob's room but were going to have to talk about this when I get back" he tells me before leaving.

I breath in and out really heavily. I bring my hands to my hands.

"Stop" I keep telling myself. I pound on the steering-wheel.

"Fuck" I growl and get out of the car. I need to be alone right now.


I walk down the road with these flashbacks hitting me hard.

"God dammit!" I break down.

I pound on the ground, trying to feel some kind of pain. I need to feel something. The worst kind of pain is to feel nothing at all.

Is this what it's like to die? If so this must be my hell. I burry my head in my knees and rock myself back and forth.

I hear a car pull up behind me but I don't care at the moment.

"Oh my god Becca!" I hear Matt say along with an opening and closing of a car door.

He wraps a jacket around me and helps me up. "You must be freezing" He says

"What happened? I've been looking for you for the last twenty minutes" he informs me. I begin to sob.

He brings me into his arms and I latch onto him for dear life. I sob into his chest as he runs his fingers through his hair.

I tell because that what I need to do, share it with someone else.

"Matt you and I both know what Ashley was talking about in that hallway" I start and he looks and me and sighs. He knows.

I don't let go of him.

"I was known as the schools slut right after my last boyfriend"

I weep into his torso.

"Do you-u remember his name?" I stutter

"Yeah it was lo-" he begins but covers his mouth with his hands. He shakes his head but I nod into his chest.

"Bec, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought you there" he says but I shake his head. I got myself into this mess.

I calm down and cover my face in pure humiliation. He removes my hands from my face to reveal my mascara smeared bloated face.

I look away.

"I don't need anyone seeing me cry" I tell him and he turns my face to his.

He kisses me there on the spot. It wasn't just any kiss it was rough but gentle and the same time and neither of us wanted to pull away.

It was perfect and left me with butterflies and Goosebumps, I wanted more.

Matt grabs my face.

"You're beautiful even when you cry" he tells me just like he did the other night.


That's the thing with me and Matt, we can go from he's perfect to we're best friends in an instant.

"Uhm Matt can we make a quick stop?" I ask and he nods

"Where to my darling?" he asks, he is quite the flirt really.

I give him the address and once we make it there he unbuckles his seat belt. I look at him and sigh.

He must understand because he buckles his seatbelt backup. "Thanks Matt" I appreciate. I get out of the car and stare at the building.

DDB Advertising. I walk in and don't even bother signing in, just straight to business.

I walk up the stairs and to the room I was looking for. I exhale before opening the door.

"Hey dad"


A/N :


What do you think will happen with Matt, Shawn, and Becca ? The fav love triangle of all- time obvi

*Cries because that was a lie* ^

So i'm happy because I started writing this when I was ten. Ten fucking years old.

wow :\

Alot has changed since then so yeah I'm happy I fixed it because i was annoying af

And this AN is too long so it's probably annoying

Bye now

- xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo lyssssssssaaaaaaaaaa

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