Hogwarts Houses

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"One thousand years ago this story starts, there were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts"

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"One thousand years ago this story starts, there were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts".

This is how Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was born, around 990 A.D.

Four of the most powerful witches and wizards of the time decided to open a school to share their knowledge with many students from all the United Kingdom.

The founders, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, were really different from each other. They decided to create four houses, named after their surnames: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

Every student that receives the Hogwarts letter, attends the sorting ceremony where the Sorting Hat, a really fashionable hat to be honest, reads their mind to discover their qualities and understand. But, which are these qualities? Which house is the perfect one for every single student?


"You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell brave of heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry, set Gryffindors apart"

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"You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell brave of heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry, set Gryffindors apart"

Those who are sorted into this house are brave and noble in spirit. They love to enforce justice and challenge themselves, for this very reason, they often get into trouble. They are also known for being loyal, courteous and respectful towards others.

The most famous Gryffindor alumni are James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew (no one quite understood why he was a Gryffindor), Harry, Hermione, Neville and the entire Weasley Family.

The Head of the Gryffindor house is prof. McGonagall - Transfiguration Teacher and Hogwarts headmaster from 1998.

The ghost of the house is Sir. Nicholas better known as Nearly Headless Nick.

The common room is hidden behind the Fat Lady picture.

"Once you've arrived inside Gryffindor Tower, come inside and be welcomed by the roaring fire, stuffed armchairs, and the great view we have from our windows. Our dormitories are reached by climbing the winding mahogany staircase, decorated with crimson and gold. As I said, there's plenty of gold around the tower. Our four-posters are covered with thick scarlet blankets (we have quite windy nights up in the towers) and are embroidered with gold. Gold chandeliers cast warm glows all around."

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