Chapter 7

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Are you my forever ?
Ashley's P.O.V.

Tyler and I were leaving today, I went around to his house to ask his mom to pack him a bag for the week. I'm not sure if I had said this aleady but the plan was; we leave today, Monday, we come back on Saturday for his birthday, were he and Taylor will be getting a party.

It was minutes after five when I got up to pack a bag for myself. Usually your girl don't wear makeup and would be seeing in baggy ass clothes, but not today. I had taken up my makeup kit and my clothes. Around six I took a shower and came to do my hair.

Breakfast would be served in our favourite restaurant out of town;that's if Tyler doesn't eat. My hair was jet black, so I dyed a little purple through it and made two big puffs to each side.

I had on a crop top with buttons at the back, a mini skirt and some ankle boots. My makeup was a still light and for accessories, I had our first and last initial on my necklace and a bracelet.

Stacey had woken up to help me carry my bags downstairs. I had my phone and my charger in my bookbag and someother things.

I hugged stace and gave her a kiss on her forehead. I gave mum and dad a hug and promised I would call everyday. Dad took my stuff to the car and told I'll be back soon.

"I love you," I told them blowing kisses and driving off.

My presence was known of when I got to Tyler's house. His mom met me at the door.

"Goodmorning love, " She said and I replied.

Somebody had put his bag in the trunk so he still didn't know about our trip. I was basically kidnapping him with his parents consent.

My sexy piece of junk walked down the stairs.

"Goodmorning babe," He said a gave me a kiss. "Morning baby," I smiled at him.

"Mom , dad, " He gave them both a hug.

"Where is Taylor ?" I asked looking at Tyler. " I, umm- I think she's getting ready, " He said rubbing his head. He opened the fridge and I know his hungry every single damn minute ass would want something to eat.

"Okay!" I exclaimed getting up, "let's gooo we gonna be late boo," I told him. "But," He began to say and I gave him a look "Fine, " He sighed. He hughed his parents before we left.

"Stay safe," Mom said and I told her I'll call her.

Tyler got in the passengers seat and I closed the door and drove off. He took out his phone and began to, well am not sure what he was doing. He was some much in his phone he didn't notice we didn't take the route to school.

He finally looked at me, " Why are you so dressed up for ?" I took my eye's off the road and looked at him to see him still staring at me. "Because I felt like it," I knew he noticed we weren't going to school but he didn't complain or say anything, he just kept on looking at me.

We pulled into Ruby's breakfast dinner and I saw realization hitting his face and I smiled knowning damm well he knew where we were going. He didn't need to say anything because I knew his questions.

"It's for the week and yes we came come here in the morning or order the food and yes you can do anything to me during our stay, " I told him.

"You're the absolute best ever, " He said a gave me a kiss.

"I know but let's go, " I told him and we got out of the car.

15 minutes after we had gotten our breakfast, ate and gone back to the car.

"Can you drive now ?" I asked Ty "- I wanna get some rest and we have to stop by the supermarket ," I told him getting in the passengers seat.

I closed my eye's letting sleep take me away.

"WE ARE HERE !" Tyler basically screamed next my ear.

"BOY IF YOU DON'T SHUT IT, " I said just as loudly as he did.

I got out the vehicle walking as fast as I could knowning my baby hates when I do that. He eventually caught up

"Anything specific you want for dinner ?" I turn to look at him walking down the meat isle.

'Oxtail and festival, " Was his short reply.

We got a few more food iteams and some essentials and left and took us about another hour to get to the house.

I was still amazed by his expression and was happy I could make him happy.

"I love you A," He said and hugged me "I love you more,"

"I'm going to take a nap, again," I yelled tyler had gone upstairs. "Ok, "

"Call and let everyone know we have reached and FYI we are staying in tonight , " I said plankin my ass down and going to sleep.

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