Chapter 1 - Goodbye Heaven

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Ezekiel was back at it again, he was gorging himself with all the food he could find. A big crowd of souls surrounded him and encouraged him to eat more, as if he had been a participant in a food eating contest. Despite him not really needing food to survive, he loved eating and the more he ate, the bigger his body became, to reflect the weight of his sins.

Being an angel wasn't easy, you had to be perfect in every way, never sin, always do what's right... Ezekiel always thought he respected all of that, he did his job impeccably and always made sure the souls were happy; there was no way the higher ups could have been dissatisfied with him, even if he had a few extra inches on his waist.

"Eat! Eat!", "So big!", "Look at that gut!" the souls shouted in pure awe, looking at the big angel downing gargantuan amounts of food and drinks in his throat with a blissful expression on his face. He didn't understand why they seemed to be so fascinated with his appetite, but it must have had something to do with the entertainment they had down on Earth, some kind of event where whoever could consume the greatest amount of food could win a prize, or at least, that's how the souls had described it to him. He didn't really care, eating made him feel full and complete, so if he made some souls happy in the process that was all the better.

But the fun was about to end; suddenly a voice resonated menacingly from the clouds: "What is going on here?!".

A beautiful angel emerged from them, slowly spreading his six wings; he was pure perfection, auburn locks framed his smooth face; the only thing he wore was a long, purely white robe, his body was slim, and his muscles were perfectly sculpted; his halo was as thin as a golden thread, but shone brightly, surrounding the Seraphim entirely. That was Michael, one of the most important angels in Heaven, and a mentor to Ezekiel and all the other Lower angels; he was admired and respected by everyone, and even feared by some.

Everybody immediately got silent, intimidated by his presence, some souls even covered their eyes because his light was blinding them, but the one who had it worse in that moment was definitely Ezekiel: Michael was glaring at him in disappointment, with his icy grey eyes. A shiver ran down his spine "M-Michael... I... I can explain!" he said, waddling back up. His midsection was so full and big that it almost reached his knees and his stained robe was barely long enough to cover half of it. A deep shade of red covered his cheeks when he noticed just how big he had gotten and how revolting he must have looked to his mentor's eyes.

Michael looked at his underling in disgust, he simply couldn't understand how an angel could reduce himself to that state. How he could be so gluttonous.

"I do not need an explanation, Ezekiel, I know exactly what you were up to just by looking at you. This is the last time I'll let you stain the image of angels like this!" he sternly said, grabbing a handful of his belly, it didn't weight anything, of course, angelic bodies were meant to be weightless, but Michael was certain that if Ezekiel could feel all the weight he actually had put on, he would have understood the gravity of his actions and abstained himself from food, like all other angels did.

Ezekiel blushed even more when he felt his mentor pinch his fat rolls with his firm and powerful grip. He felt embarrassed for the most part, but there was also a side of him that liked to be scolded that way: it made him feel relevant, like he was still worthy of his mentor's attention and care.

Michael sighed, seeing how embarrassed Ezekiel seemed to be and let his belly go. He then proceeded to snap his fingers and use his powers to tidy Ezekiel's appearance up: his enormous gut was shrunk to its normal, although still big, size and his robe was cleaned of all the stains. The young angel looked at his superior in confusion, what was the meaning of that?

The Seraphim avoided Ezekiel's glance and whispered: "I can't stand to see you ruining yourself like this every time... we need to fix you".

"F-fix me? You don't mean... that, right?" Ezekiel asked, with worry in his voice.

Michael didn't answer, he hated to always having to be so strict, but he couldn't let his emotions interfere with his job, if a younger angel was not behaving correctly, he had to be punished.

"You aren't going to send me to Earth, right?! I-I don't deserve it, I haven't done anything bad! I always do my job, I'm always good!" Ezekiel exclaimed, his voice getting louder sentence after sentence.

Finally Michael snapped back: "Be silent, Ezekiel! What has to be done, will be done... it doesn't depend on me" he looked away from his underling.

Ezekiel was scared. Many angels were sent to Earth every year, and very few of them actually managed to come back, no matter how many years passed. He didn't want to be like those fallen angels, he did not want to leave Heaven! "P-please Michael, tell me what I did wrong, I promise I'll be better! There's no need to send me down there!"

"You have sinned Ezekiel and the higher ups aren't happy with it", his mentor stated, crossing his arms.

"S-sinned? I haven't sinned!" Ezekiel exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"How can you say that with a straight face? Just look at yourself! You've corrupted your image and what's worse is that... you didn't even realize it" Michael continued, annoyed at the fact that his pupil had remained oblivious to everything.

"I-I'm just a bit bigger than the others..." the blonde angel muttered, blushing in embarrassment.

"That's because you have been too gluttonous, Ezekiel".

"I just like food..." he said, subconsciously fixing his robe.

Michael furrowed his brows "You like it a bit too much, which is why you need to learn your lesson" after saying those words he snapped his fingers again, opening a hole in the clouds "Believe me, I wish there could have been another way too...".

Ezekiel looked down the hole and saw a blue planet underneath: Earth.

It looked so beautiful from up there, with its vast blue seas and green patches of land scattered about, but Ezekiel knew that down there things were all but beautiful: wars, conflicts, discrimination, sinners left and right... he didn't want to go there, especially just because of a little overeating.

"The council has decided that you'll be given a corporeal body and live there until you learn your lesson... and also lose all that extra weight. If you can do it, you'll come back to Heaven, if you can't... this will be the last time you'll see this planet from up above".

Without the time to protest, Ezekiel felt himself getting pushed from behind by an unknown force, he stumbled and fell through the hole; he tried to reach out to Michael with his hand, he tried to fly back up, but it was all in vain.

Strangely enough, the fall didn't last for long, in fact, after a few seconds he had already hit the ground with a loud thud blacking out in the process.

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