Chapter 5 - The Golden Droplet pt.2

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While Ezekiel was still closed in the restroom, feeling ashamed of his behavior, Heather was walking from table to table, delivering food and drinks and taking new orders.

After bringing to a table a particularly large serving of curly French fries, Heather glanced back to the counter and noticed something rather large was missing: Ezekiel. She got a bit worried, where had he gone?

She made her way to Eden, who was quite busy himself making cocktails, and placed her hands on the counter "Girl, where's Ezekiel? I thought he was with you".

The chubby bartender looked up at his friend "Don't worry, chérie, he just went to the toilette, although... he's been in there for a while".

Heather furrowed her brows and looked at Eden with a suspicious look on her face "I know you too well, what did you do to his food?".

"Mais bien! Whatever do you mean by that? Are you suggesting I put something in there?" he asked, placing a hand over his mouth to hide a little smile.

Heather knew way too well he was keen on pulling pranks on pretty much anyone who caught his attention, she leaned forward on the counter "I'm not suggesting anything, I'm pretty sure you did", she sighed, placing a hand on her forehead "I swear, if you got him sick on purpose-".

She was promptly cut off by the bartender "Tu te trompes! You know that I'd never make someone sick; I have pride in what I cook! Non, I didn't put anything strange in his food... buuut I might have made his portions a bit bigger∼" he said, giving Heather a smirk, winking at her.

She let out a deep sigh, cracking a smile "You're absolutely devilish, girl. The poor guy was trying to eat less and you go and make his food bigger? You're such an asshole" she jokingly said, folding her arms.

"Oh, mais I just did it to give him a little wakeup call chérie, he didn't sound serious at all when he said he wanted to go on a diet!" Eden briefly explained, then quickly added "And I was right about that, he ate whatever I put in front of him without even noticing how much he was actually packing away! I'm sure he's learned his lesson now".

Heather looked at him, then turned around "Alright, I've heard enough of your philosophy for today, girl. I'll go see if Ezekiel is doing ok".

After saying that, she walked away. Eden surely had a weird way to give wakeup calls to others, but they always ended up working somehow, which was pretty impressive.

She knocked at the restroom's door and shouted: "Ezekiel? Are you ok in there?".

From behind the door, Ezekiel answered: "Y-yes! Yes everything is fine and dandy! No problem at all!", although he was saying everything was alright, his tone suggested otherwise, he sounded so nervous, and that only made Heather's worry grow.

"Ezekiel, don't lie to me, if you're fine then come out" she said, putting her hands on her hips.

"I c-can't..." he muttered, still hiding in the restroom.

Heather flinched "What do you mean you can't?" then in a softer tone said: "Did something happen?".

The door opened slightly, just enough for Heather to see him and understand what was going on. "Oh man..." she muttered as she looked at him; he was a blushing mess, he must have felt so embarrassed in that moment. His belly was peeking out from under his shirt and it was so stuffed with food that it was straining the buttons to their limit; one wrong move and they could have all popped off at the same time. His pants had been unbuttoned as well, probably because they had gotten too tight for comfort and certainly, it wasn't going to be easy to fasten them again.

He slowly spoke up, gripping the door "I t-tried to button my pants up again... but they w-won't close anymore, I don't know what to do- I don't wanna go out looking like this!" he seemed to be quite upset by it, almost in a panic.

Heather looked up at him again and calmly asked "Do you need help?".

Ezekiel jumped slightly at that question "W-what?".

"Do you need help?" she repeated, and then added "No need to feel embarrassed, I've helped people that were in much worse situations".

Ezekiel's face became beet red, it was pretty clear he didn't understand why she would want to help him, but still, after a bit of thinking, he opened the door a bit more and let Heather in, before closing it again and leaning on it. "A-alright, what do I have to do?".

"Just tuck your tummy back in those pants and suck it in as best as you can, I'll try to close them again" Heather said, still completely calm.

Ezekiel slowly nodded and pulled his jeans over his belly again, looking down a bit "S-sorry for this...".

She smiled at him and softly said: "You don't have to apologize, things happen sometimes, besides, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you out? It's cool dude".

The young angel shifted his glance and muttered: "T-thank you, Heather..." then he took a deep breath, sucking in his stomach and trying to squish it with his hands to make it as small as possible, while Heather was doing her best to close the pants again, pressing the back of her hands on Ezekiel's tummy as well, feeling them sink slightly in his fat as she tried to slip the button back in its place.

Ezekiel's face heated up even more as he felt her touch on his skin. How was she not grossed out by that? Why was she helping him out in the first place? She said it was because she wanted to be a good friend and he didn't doubt that (up to that point she'd been very kind to him), but was that the whole truth?

His train of thought was interrupted by the feeling of his belly being constricted by his jeans and belt again. He groaned a little, not liking that feeling at all; he couldn't wait to be back home again so he could slip in his big and soft pajamas and go to bed.

Heather wiped her forehead and smiled at him "There we go, see? It wasn't that hard, all you needed was some elbow grease and an extra pair of hands!" she said cheerfully.

"Y-yeah... thank you, Heather" he said, pulling his strained shirt down, without tucking it in again. He didn't want to risk breaking his jeans' button; he had embarrassed himself in front of her enough already, he didn't want to add another awkward moment to the list. After a brief pause he spoke up again: "Heather... I know you're probably going to get angry at me for this but... can we go home now? I'm not... used to staying up this late and I'm starting to feel tired".

She looked at him sweetly and patted his shoulder "Why would I get angry? I was the one who dragged you here in hopes that you would have fun, but this place might be a bit too much for you...".

"Oh! But- I did have fun! I mean... Eden is a bit weird, but he seems like a nice person, and the food is really good!" the young angel quickly said, not wanting to make Heather feel like she made a mistake.

Heather chuckled "Well, I'm glad to hear that, maybe you could come here some other time then, we host shows too from time to time, you might enjoy them!" she sighed and smiled slightly "But let's get you home now, shall we?".

After saying goodbye to Eden for the night, the two roommates got back in the car. Ezekiel laid back on his seat, grunting a little as he subconsciously rubbed his full tummy. It had been a while since he had eaten so much, and his corporeal body was very different from his aetherial one; it was very limited, back in Heaven he could have easily gone for double the amount of food he'd eaten that night, and still have room for more, but his human stomach could have never handled all that food, which was quite a lucky thing, given what he had to do to get his status back.

As he kept thinking about that while caressing his belly, the little grunts he would make from time to time caught Heather's attention. She was doing her best to keep her eyes on the road, but when they would get to a red light, she couldn't help but look at him. He looked absolutely adorable, she just wanted to lay her head on that gut and use it as a pillow and just cuddle together-

She shook her head, what kind of thoughts were that?

Heather drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, fixing her eyes on the road again. That wasn't the time to catch feelings for the big guy sitting next to her; she had way more important things to think about.

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