Chapter 9 - Comfort eating

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Ezekiel woke up in his bed; he was still wearing the clothes from the night before.

How did he get there? The last thing he remembered was falling asleep at The Golden Droplet. The memories of that night were foggy at first, then little by little it all became clearer, at which point the young angel was hit by an extreme wave of shame. Not only he had embarrassed himself in front of Heather for the hundredth time, but he had also given into the temptations of alcohol! That was the absolute worst... why, even if he had the best intentions of going back to Heaven, he couldn't help but sin? Why after promising that he was going to look after Heather, did he allow himself to be so messy and vulnerable in front of her? She had enough to think about already, he should have been helping her out, not being another burden to her.

Ezekiel pressed his hands on his face "Ugh... I feel like I'm going crazy... goodness me I'm such a terrible angel...".

Indeed, he was terrible, so why was Heather bothering with him exactly? He wasn't doing much at all for her... sure he cooked meals and cleaned up the place, but he was still living in HER apartment for free, he was just a freeloading pig!

And yet... she was so kind and caring to him, she was so accepting of him, never judged him for anything and always showered him in compliments. He felt so happy whenever she was around; just her presence was enough to comfort him, to convince him that everything was going to be alright. Heather was like... a small concentration of Heaven on Earth or maybe, even a bit better than that!

If he could have stayed with her forever he would have been the happiest being in the whole universe.

But there was no way that such a selfish dream could become a reality.

It was impossible that such a great woman felt the same way towards him.

And he was an angel! His place was in Heaven, not on Earth alongside a human.

Even just thinking that a human could make him happier than Heaven itself was a sin, he was sure of that, and if he ever acted upon those thoughts... the Council would have considered it a betrayal, and they would have probably banished him from Heaven.

Upon realizing that, he felt his heart sink... why was his happiness a sin?

He let out a trembling sigh and pressed his face against the pillow, small tears rolling down

his cheeks. Why was his only happiness unacceptable, according to the Council? It wasn't fair...

After silently crying for some time he lazily got up from his bed, dragging his blanket along. He walked into the kitchen and went straight for the cupboard... he needed something sweet to forget all that sadness, some cookies maybe, and also a pack of cream filled buns, maybe two of those and also chocolate and a 2 liter bottle of soda to top it all off. Yeah that was going to be enough to drown all that sadness. Heather was already off to university, so he wouldn't have to worry about her catching him red-handed.

He laid all that food on the coffee table in front of the couch; he sat down, wrapped the blanket around himself and starts shoving food down his throat.

The first to go was the packet of cookies, sweet, with chocolate chips on them, slightly buttery and crunchy. He took big gulps of the soda to wash his mouth from that and dug into the cream filled buns, so soft and fresh, with cream oozing out of them with the first bite.

After one pack of those his stomach was starting to feel a bit full, but nowhere near its limit.

He switched things up by opening some chocolate snacks instead and letting them melt in his mouth. All the calories contained in them going straight to his gut, which was starting to swell up a little because of all that food and soda crammed in there.

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