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       I brought them inside one by one. Each had a coded bracelet to the tanks. I put them in their respective tanks. I pushed one buttons on the monitor when I semi awoke Sunoo. "Why are you here ? Why were you released ?"

Sunoo responds to the question. "I do not know of what you ask." Suddenly Sunghoon' eyes snapped opened. His glare aimed right at me as Sunoo was put back into sleep. "We won't answer your questions any longer !", he yelled which shocked the others to let out screams from their tanks, the water rising in counteraction to the fiery will of the boys.

        "I am not your enemy, Sunghoon." His glare intensified before all was quiet. They floated lifelessly in their tanks once more. The water pressure was high enough no normal person would be able to breathe without an oxygen tank. What had they done to them ?

                  I called Amy. "Tell me about your show, Amy." She scoffed laughing at me, "Now you want to know ? Why should I tell you anything ?" Now really wasn't the time for this. "Can you just tell me what recently happened to the main characters ?"

                 Amy sighed eventually giving in. "Nothing that we know off. The main characters weren't seen at all in the episode last night." Now I was intrigued. "You don't find that odd ?" I could hear how annoyed she was at me at this moment. "The show won't be continuing. Last scene we got the main characters were consuming high amounts of some undetermined energy."

                   "What does that have to do with anything, Engene ?" I had to rush off the phone. "Thank you, Amy. I have to go." What she had said sounded all too similar to what I was dealing with right now. "Enge--" I hung up turning my attention back to the tanks.

         The boys were resting in the tanks nonetheless. I took pictures & video. "What am I to do with you guys ?" I said out loud getting no response in return.

      I sat in a chair trying to make sense of it all. Was I concerned this would affect my sister' job ? No I was not. Was I a bit terrified ? Not at all. Was I curious as to what BE:LIFT Lab was hiding ? Yes I am.

          I fell asleep. I don't know when I fell asleep. I woke to the sound of alarms blaring & the tank water dropping to freezing as the boys thrashed around. All still in their sleep states. The moon light from the window casted a glow on the tank water & highlighted the boys.

          I found writing on Jungwon' tank. It was directions to a colony out in the mountains. What was hidden up in the mountains ? How are they tied to this colony of people ?

Sun Shot// ENHYPEN FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now